Suggestions on a dungeon griefer

Pimp C


You will own dungeons, and laugh as reds run past you searching for newbs.


New Member
detect hidden and tracking-- GM is tracking is so underrated, it's amazing. you can find people from SO far away.


What do you guys think about the following template for a dungeon crawler/griefer/ looter.

Stats: 100/25/100

Hide - 100
Stealth - 100
Mage - 100
Track - 50 (+ or - balance with Detect, Resist)
Detect - 50 (+ or - balance with Track, Resist)
Eval - 100
Med - 100
Resist - 50 (+ or - balance with Track, Detect)

I guess my question is what exactly can I do with 50 Track (or Detect)? What can I do with 80?

Having some resist would be nice so I can survive a mana dump. If I spread the 200 points evenly across Track, Detect, and Resist that would give me 66 in each.


^ 50 resist, no idea, I always roll either with 0 or GM

50 tracking - rather useful
50 detect - chance to reveal only invised people, 0 0 null chance to reveal anyone with GM hiding, believe me, it's hard enough with GM detect to reveal stealthing people

As occasional looter and mischief loving feef I am, I can assure you, anything with stealth and good blocking skills is enough to cause lots of trouble. And since you ask for dungeon "griefer" template, then you're asking for looter's template. Look up Gallad the Looter, he's a legend amongst looters, there might be some fine templates and advices. And sire, please, have some style while you're at it! You will enjoy many good laughs, but keep it at professional level, plain griefing is just evil and does only harm to poor, not-yet-iron-skinned newbies, which in turn does harm to our beloved shard. Good luck! *giggles*


^ 50 resist, no idea, I always roll either with 0 or GM

50 tracking - rather useful
50 detect - chance to reveal only invised people, 0 0 null chance to reveal anyone with GM hiding, believe me, it's hard enough with GM detect to reveal stealthing people

As occasional looter and mischief loving feef I am, I can assure you, anything with stealth and good blocking skills is enough to cause lots of trouble. And since you ask for dungeon "griefer" template, then you're asking for looter's template. Look up Gallad the Looter, he's a legend amongst looters, there might be some fine templates and advices. And sire, please, have some style while you're at it! You will enjoy many good laughs, but keep it at professional level, plain griefing is just evil and does only harm to poor, not-yet-iron-skinned newbies, which in turn does harm to our beloved shard. Good luck! *giggles*

Thank you for the info, I'll look into Gallad.

Since I've started here a month ago people have been really nice, and I've been helped out a lot (financially and with advice). I've also been griefed, PK'd, and res killed many, many times. BUT, that is UO and why I love this shard!

So, with 2/3 of my characters "good guys" I need at least one creative, loveable, scoundrel;)



GM tracking is like 2.5 - 3 screen, after you pick up someone's stench, then you track him up to 5 screens or so.
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