Suggestion for Aesthetic Relics -


Currently theres only one Aesthetic Relics for meta dexers / meta mage and none for META pets etc .

I have a suggestion to have more types of Aesthetic Relics for the relevant classes
It can be either on dono vendor OR rare drop from RDAs/CHAMPS .

From my observation , players are not so interested in doing RDAs recently so this is one good way for them to start lookin For RDAs again .

Just a few basic examples :

For meta Dragons - have a Aesthetic relic that does crucible effect ? or throw flames ?

For meta spiders - have a Aesthetic relic that throws spider web ?

For meta dexers / mages - have more types of relics that does special animation or sound effects etc

I am not sure how hard is the coding though so my input is limited .

Any comments from players ?

@AssHat @tankian @Messremb

@Shane @eppy @Adam @JoeB @halygon


+1, only problem i see is having 5+ drags together, little messy even them in rdas is bad enough, but for anything aesthetic like this would be pretty neat, maybe make these platinum sink? you know the gold relic erhm...

cant forget the steeds lol

Reptiles can get reptiles finishing move from mortal combat
Mammal can get something to do with red blood (being warm blooded)


"Of the dead" relic - A swarm of flys hovers around the wearer .
"Force Ghost" Relic - Brings back memorys of my SWG days .. makes the wearer a semi transparent blue ghost.