Stuck With Poisoning


I can't seem to gain on poisoning, I am at the crafters guild, I used about two kegs of greater poisoning, I am at 60.7 andcan't seem to gain, I am poisoning bread.


I can't seem to gain on poisoning, I am at the crafters guild, I used about two kegs of greater poisoning, I am at 60.7 andcan't seem to gain, I am poisoning bread.

I don't think the crafter's guild would help at all with poisoning. I'm skilling poisoning as well and doing it at the brit sewers. Crafter's guild only helps with exceptional, reducing resources used, and crafting slayers. Since the resource used is one potion, there's no reduction. Also, as Umbrella said, the super guide says use normal poison until 67. I've actually completely stopped gaining, going through 2 kegs of normal poison at 65.1 and haven't gained at all. I think at 65.1 I'm going to start on greater poison unless I'm missing something and doing it wrong.


Is your shown real 65.1 and skill actually 67? Might have to use greater poison now if so

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Show real was 65.1 and skill actually was 70. But yeah, I went to greater poison. Didn't think itd be this slow though :p


The Crafter's guild has no effect on your skill gain. IF you are creating your own potions prior to using them for poisoning, then it will reduce the amount of nightshade used during the potion creation - but that's it (actually this is a big saver if making greater or deadly poisons).

If you train in your house, you get a -50% skill gain, if you train anywhere else outside a dungeon, you get normal skill rate gain, and if in a dungeon you get 150% skill rate gain. Hence using the brit sewers above, but personally I find the brit sewers to be a PKs dream as it is a single threaded dungeon, which means you have to recall to get away as running is not an option.


Only way to do this is hide in a dungeon. Ive made 4 poisoners all in dungeons. If you need fairly cheap gp kegs theres about 15 @ yew ba nk vendors. Vendors name is Best Stuff Ever..