(Steam)Lockpick Macro


I can not get this macro to work. It just continually locks/unlocks the chest I am targetting, despite that part of the script being within an if condition.

usetype 0x14fc
waitfortarget 15000
target! 0x40f9cb79
pause 2000

if @injournal 'yield' system
useobject 0x40f9cb7a
waitfortarget 15000
target! 0x40f9cb79
pause 2000

I got something similar to work last night, but I didn't save. Not sure what I am doing wrong here. I've tried to change the if, varying between @injournal and sysmsg 'yields', as well as usetype # instead of useobject #


Nevermind. Just needed to extend pause after picking. If anyone has any tips however, shoot


I can not get this macro to work. It just continually locks/unlocks the chest I am targetting, despite that part of the script being within an if condition.

usetype 0x14fc
waitfortarget 15000
target! 0x40f9cb79
pause 2000

if @injournal 'yield' system
useobject 0x40f9cb7a
waitfortarget 15000
target! 0x40f9cb79
pause 2000

I got something similar to work last night, but I didn't save. Not sure what I am doing wrong here. I've tried to change the if, varying between @injournal and sysmsg 'yields', as well as usetype # instead of useobject #

Try something more like this:

sysmsg 'Target Container to lockpick'
setalias 'Container2Pick'
while not @injournal 'yield' system
waitfortarget 1500
target! 'Container2Pick'
pause 5000


I've been training LP and found the need for an extra IF in there. Sometimes things lag a little (like during a world save) and your box will not lock again but the macro will continue on so you will just be getting the message that the box isn't locked over and over and your gains will stop.

I simply added in an IF that looks for "appear" (That container does not appear to be locked.) and have it relock the box. Saved some headache after waking up one morning to find I had only gained 0.5% because I was trying to pick an unlocked box.