Stats/Skill cap?


whats max stats/skill cap and can anyone point me in direction to any good templates for mage/warrior build sorry still learning just started. thanks in advance! :)


Max skill total for any template is 700, unless you eat power scrolls which will raise your cap to a max of 720. You cannot scroll combat/magery skills past GM, only crafting, taming, and barding related skills may be scrolled.

Max stats are 100 with a stat cap of 225. No stat scrolls here.

A good, cheap, and effective mage template for starting out is a basic heal mage. Healing, anat, magery, med, eval, resist, and wrestle. This gives you ability to stun your opponent and heal on the run. You can swap other skills in for anat/heal later if you choose but for starters anat/heal will keep your costs of training low.

You are going to want a mage char to use as your tamer. Trouble is, regs get a little cost if you want to start right out as a tamer. That means you should do one of two things: start a dexer to fund your mage/tamer or donate some to the server and sell your donation coins for gold in order to buy a sufficient amount of regs. I chose to donate and buy regs to get a head start, it was very helpful.

PKs love to patrol the new tamer areas so you're gonna lose some resources in the process. It is very handy to have a mage character you are working on a second account to help get your tamer back on his feet by gating and ressing. Run low budget with the bare minimum resources to keep your losses low.

Dagger island can be a good place to tame, but a lot of people tame there and just tame and release animals without renaming them increasing the skill required to retame them and possibly effecting your gains. You could do just as well taming timber wolves and brown/black bears starting out at 50 as you will taming walrus and polar bears on ice island.

If you are brave and are willing to risk resources for faster gains, there is a skill gain bonus in dungeons. As soon as you can start taming scorpions in Shame at 60 head there. You will get killed, so again run low budget. IMO the increased skill gain is worth it for the risk, depending largely on how quickly you can get back on your feet.

From there you will run into other tamers who can help you the rest of the way. You'll need to do second and third tame scorprions (they must be tamed by other players for you to be able to gain, you cannot gain off your own retames) before being as to do small hellcats, large hellcats, lava lizards, hell hounds, and imps to GM.

Otherwise, you'll need to grind white wolves, bulls, and great harts which can be a painful process. I'd recommend the dungeon route which will require peacemaking to cut down on the amount of paralyze and heal regs you will need. Peace is cheap and easy to macro.

VERY IMPORTANT: lock your animal lore at 0 when raising taming. Only raise it up when you are ready to fight with monsters. Lore is strictly for control and you do not need it until you want to command dragons and such, so the later you raise lore the better as it will free up valuable skill points to use for magery related skills like eval

You can start him or her with healing but you'll run out of skill points eventually since you are going to be working magery, taming, and barding skills at once.


Almost all good builds will have some magery, but not all. For a dexer starting out, I would recommend basic 5 combat skills: weapon skill, tactics, anat, healing, resist and beyond that it's your choice. Parrying is a good choice. Lumberjacking + swords gives a nice damage bonus when using axes. Maces drain your targets stamina. Spears paralyze your target. Bows are a common choice because putting range between your target means less damage for you, you just have to kite your target around and stop to shoot every now and again.

The options are many. Best of luck to you!

Oh and it's always good to join the New Player guild when starting out. There are ways people active in guild chat and the members are generally very cooperative and helpful. Many stay long after their young status wears off :)