stage 7 meta with the 4 major relics


Important notice first: This is not a sell thread. Been away for a while now. Trying to find out how prices turned out/moved. Not sure i'm willing to sell and if yes, what i would consider i good enough offer... so let me hear your opinions:

lvl 7 meta dragon, zombie green
(hue 81 if i'm not totally wrong - no uo at the moment) (from the zombie event, color not dropping on new eggs, so "limited edition")

Quicksilver: 10/10
Molten: 10/10
Blood Talons: 10/10
Nox: 5/10

What do you think would be the "right price" for such a guy?


20+ (the problem is finding someone with that much money)

i saw your body yesterday... welcome back!


lol.. everyone saw my body :p

thanks.. and yeah.. i'm aware that those with that much money already have such a meta and/or don't want one...


I'd say :

2 mils for egg (they go around 500-1,500 now, but this one is an event reward)
2 for stone
7 for QS relic
15 for all 3 others

26 millions without calculating the exp.

Now you try finding someone with 120 taming willing to spend that xD
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