Stackable Potions


@Young Star i was wrong tested it with a few deaths last night. so it must have glitched that 1 time. they unstack and chaos ensues. although i still suggest keeping them in a 2nd pouch so if you die, you just move the pouch instead of each indivitual pot from the corpse.

@girana next in UOF: Kingdoms *Unstackable Bandaids*:p

The problem w that is for those of us who carry more than 125 potions. It makes picking up that pouch impossible without restacking potions.


thats more so you can grab them quickly and get out of dodge. isnt it possible to have a counter to drop everything back off at your butler and redistribute it? i do the poor method of having pouches pre stacked so i drop one off, pick up a fresh one, then when i get the time do some organization


Making them stackable was a mistake. Unstacking on death is a little purpose defeating because it's not very often you actually click and drag a stack of potions. I get that it's supposed to be a benefit and a bit of a gamble if you set out to field with overloaded pots but it also presents situations where you can overload for say, an ctf or tourney event, and when teleported into the event it treats your stacks as though you died. Now you can't drop the exceptional default weapon because your pack is full. Have fun with that.

Maybe it only happens to people one time, or multiple times if someone forgot or miscounted but I'll be damned if it's not frustrating.

At least before you knew exactly what you were getting into every time with no room for error.

If fielding with extra pots you should definitely split them up into a heavy bag and a light throwaway bag to bring your count back down quickly.