Sphinx statue , Arcane bookshelf , FrostedBathTable, BloodSwordBanner


Can someone give me a estimate on these things in the pic.

Sphinx statue ??

Elvin Bookshelf ( comes as deed and says Arcane Bookshelf) ??

FrostedBathTable ( comes as pw deed, like a ps ) ??

BloodSwordBanner ( comes as a true black deed ) clicking on the banner it says "banner", click on the blood it says "blood", click on the sword it says "Paladin sword "

pillar of fire ( comes as a deed )

Thanks in advance !!

Ibu ild Graves

I'm interested in the sword/banner and the frost shelf.
Not sure values tho.
Let me know if you come up with a price and decide to sell.


I have gotten alot of pm's about these items, sorry if i seem to have the intention of selling this.
Thanks to a member of my ally i do now have an idea about the price of these items, and still not interested in selling.

Maybe later when i feel like making a auction ( probably never happens, as i hate doing auction) or someday when im ready to accept offers..

thanks for the interest.