Spam Filter at Brit Bank Plz


Brit Bank is just out of control.

People make 2-3 line macros with no delaying spamming the whole god damn screen.

Other other shards there is a limit to how much text you can spam in a certain amount of time, and if your caught spamming you end up with like a 6hr jail time or get squelched.

This shard has such a large afk bank sitting population you cant even talk to people at brit make and make deals just the spam is just so damn bad.

Please add a spam filter to the user rules, and maybe for like the first month just squelch people that are spamming and when they realize they can page in and after that hopefully the spam will calm down cuz its insane right now.


It is annoying but I'd rather put them on my ignore list in uo options myself then have staff waste their time policing the area.


I do agree with the spamming at the bank. One main reasons I barely go there. As you stated, WBB is just out of control. Hell, 60% or more of the people there are afk. I dont know how many times I've seen someone macroing a gate to a shop whos out of regs and just spamming away!
That entire bank is annoying.


I dont care what is done but something needs to be done,

The ignore option isnt a solution then every time u go to brit bank your supose to put another 10-15 people on ignore? What a horrible solution.
A spam rule should be like 6 lines of repeating text every 60 seconds


More activity at bank makes shard appear busier and encourages new players to stick around. Squelching the area would have the opposite effect.

signature field is blank
I fully agree its annoying as fuck. Id like to see them maybe addon to docks for vendor advertising and pixel selling where they can spam to thier hearts content. Make it kickable to spam them at WBB.


Even making a gate macro there you have to spam yourself to compete with all the other spam
I don't know about that. I've gated to vendors with only one line of text and had no problems selling my stuff. I'm sure all you have to say is "new vendors" and people will go in. You don't want staff there monitoring people's spam and jailing afk vendors.


Brit Bank is just out of control. .

Always has been.
No one walks around to shop anymore.
Too many lamers and griefers out there to be bothered.

So people flock to Brit bank and macro gates to their places.

Great that there is an -always- busy place in the game.
Sucks 99.93% of the time it SPAM.

Id like that to change, too, but how?
Its been that way for so long....its almost expected.

The very reason if im banking in Brit....its on the east side. Yo.


People play because they see how much is going on at the bank not despite of it.
Yeah i agree, but let me tell you something

I joined this shard for the first time like i dunno 2-3 months before i actually started playing here. I walked right to brit bank like every other UO player does and as soon as i saw all the strobed out players, and costant Ctrl+Q spam, i closd UO right there re-opened and went back to my old shard.

I mean its your shard do what you want, but having everybody there at BB competing to spam there vendor the fastest for spam their dono coins the fastest isnt productive, it just made my first impression of the shard the shard look un-staffed and unprofessional, If i hadn't of had a bunch of friends come here to play i would of never logged in here again after that first experience.

Its just a idea some people seem for it some against, some are for it i guess from this point all we can do is voice our opinion and see where staff wants to take it.

(P.S. please dont ban me because i said my first impression of the shard looked un-staffed and unprofessional just trying to give me honest reaction to when i first stepped into WBB and the stam had allot to do with it, it made me feel like, wow they must have no staff here they cant even police WBB)
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I certainly agree that it's annoying, but I will say that from even back in the day when I played, bank spam was pretty much just a way of life. It also told you (jsut like the previous person said) that it gave you an idea of how busy the server was. I would say just move to a different area. Too many thieves around there anyway, I like to trade/negotiate elsewhere.


What is adds to the experience is actually taking one of these frequently spammed gates... find out that half the spammed items aren't in stock. Quite whimsical :)

I can agree that WBB is a horrid place to be. Keep in mind there are plenty of other banks to go and do your stuff at. I get a kick out of the strobed-out folks strutting around like neon billboards. Yes, I understand you have grinded for the millions of gold (or donated lots of money) to get that stuff. It still looks ridiculous though. :p