Something wrong with this economy after playing the server 8 months all my items have depreciated.


Some of us prefer for items we earned to grow in value. I know after games such as wow it is now custom for your items to only be valuable until the next expansion.

Some of us prefer UO the way it use to be where almost every rare item was limited and grew in value. I know many people purely play this game for the pvp, but some of us prefer a stable market we can make bets on and possibly profit off of.

Ras Tafari

it's only the mainstream items that are hurting. I see you're trying to sell a fallon kilt for 450k.. Well that was a good price back when everyone thought they'd take it out and prices rocketed up to 60k/yard but now with 25k/yard ? Overpriced. For me it seems like all the "mainstream" Items (and pure white is very mainstream to me) decline in price which is only logic since those are the items most people bought. There are PLENTY of items, even from the donation store vendor, that have increased in price.

I would also suggest to try to sell items before a donation store update and not after. After a update most people are very busy to get those coins for their favourit new item and therefore dont spent anything on items that have been around for ages.


So from that standpoint we shouldn't buy items we want and people will want later on, we should buy items that we think no one will want.. because they might become rare?


If everything went up in price it only hurts new players if you want to make tons of money off of items you just hold onto I really hope that never happens because that is a major sign of inflation and hurts new players the most. So get items you want and if you want something else feel free to play the game and farm or donate or sell something you have that you don't really want for a fair (or God forbid deal) price to the buyer.

If you want more, p(l)ay more.

I don't see why having logged in week one getting a few items should make you rich when you log in a year later.


You obviously didn't play UO 1997-02.

We all have our own visions of a perfect server.
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Well IMHO, if you want to look at it like you're buying stocks to sell at a later date then not everything you buy is going to increase in price. If that was the case, everyone would be a stock broker.


You obviously didn't play UO 1997-02.

We all have our own visions of a perfect server.
Actually I did and if you were to start on an osi server now you couldn't afford an empty bottle the inflation is so bad.

Play for more not wait for more.

gucci mane

shoulda copped u one o these off th donation vendor boy this gonna only appreciate



So from that standpoint we shouldn't buy items we want and people will want later on, we should buy items that we think no one will want.. because they might become rare?

I'm confused. Yes, It that happens easily.

For things to go up in value as they become rare it takes time. I think we're are jumping the gun a bit here as the shard is still fairly new. Give it time and rares will become priceless. Take a look at the forever robe. It is finally just going up in value I believe one just sold for 3.5 mil.


I put no value on any item on this server. Pixels are pixels. Player interaction is what keeps me here. I don't care how much white cloth sales for because I'll never need it to play.

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Has the tradability of donation coins affected the economy in a positive or negative way? How would things be if they changed it back to the way it was when you couldn't trade donation coins? Anyone got thoughts?


For me it's been a positive because I'm such a casual player I never farm. I throw a few bucks for dono coins and sell them. I never mark up above average price and could really careless if they're valued at 80K per 1K or 160K per 1K. Gold last me a long time because all I do is run my PKs and theif. I keep a bard just incase I ever do need to farm though.

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Karl Sagan

I don't think it's the ability to be traded so much as the type and volume of items that can be purchased. The economy as a whole seems to be pretty steady. It's just the status of high to ultra high end stuff that is so confounding.

The most expensive items in game are from the donation vendor.

There is an important need to drive donations so Shane and co. can afford all the cool content they've been giving us.

Rare items have, in the past, been a 'thing' in UO and its really weird to have them made common or easily available (or in some cases available at all). Stunomas 'unique' deer mask being made available on the dono vendor TWICE, server birth rares being made into mob drops (and accidentally spawned all over dungeons, then not removed), 1.5 mil bug reporter sandles and 3 mil easter sandles being made into 20k bod rewards, etc. it's just weird.

Rares have traditionally been a way to accumulate and display wealth. Now the value that would be accumulating in these rares is being driven into the donation vendor. Why spend 2 mil on a 'a stack of books' when 300k or $20 will get you a sick animated fireplace? The only reason would be you want it because its rare not because it looks cool.

Maybe it's the mixing of collecting rares and collecting pixels that is the problem? Everyone likes shiny pixels so make them available on the dono vendors, but stop gorilla fuckig actual rares?

tldr: put cool and useful shit on dono vendors, keep actual rares rare.
A thread complaining about not having a guaranteed return on investment?
I'll file it next to the threads complaining of about not having blessed spell channeling vang katanas and eb's that don't hit for 50 hit points.

The economy here is fine. I have a vacant 18x18 that has appreciated significantly since August - but dollars to donuts it'll be worthless if the shard takes a dive in population.

Taming scrolls? Well - they bring a lower price now but then again there are more completed tamers, more people farming, and I have even found them on some pretty simple spawn.

BOD Cloth - How many white kits does @Drake Roberts need? Yeah, it was more rare and brought a higher price when it was a 5 month old 500 person server. But it's not anymore. I'm sitting on some TB Yellow...waiting for a swing in fashion..... :(

Anyway, Economy is fine enough.