Something wrong with this economy after playing the server 8 months all my items have depreciated.

Karl Sagan

Personally I'd like a fuckin bailout, someone get the president on the line.

I need more liquid to buy pixels with ASAP or the economy will crash


Babethoven thanks for the intelligent response you sure do bring lots to the table thanks for that. Im sure its way to much reading for you and I know theres lots of words you cant quite comprehend so your troll post was your way of contributing thanks again man. This thread has not one thing to do with my own personal gain the same shit happening to anyone I talk to daily.
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I have to agree that lately the donation coin flow has went crazy. There are some people that spent a RIDICULOUS amount of USD onto UOF. That's good for the server and I really appreciate that but on the other hand it also fucks up the donation itam economy as a whole..


Kaz any time you post I totally agree with you!! your basically saying the same things im thinking of and have not said yet. Im not complaining about fallon cloth man give me one example of 5 items like i mean house rare or wearable that has gone up in price and is not a one time dono item. Oh any another prime example that something is wrong I see somone selling a ethy mount for 100k a brit bank. Its not just my high end items that are out of whack its the small things thats what everyone is not seeing I see it daily now even on items that are worth 150k a month or 2 ago are now 100-110k.
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I wish the economy here could be like in real life right now. Prices getting increased instead of getting decreased.

Decreasing has happened due to server being alive for way too long time and having hundreds of players in with same professions. Most of these professions have became worthless as everyone have their own crafter, or there are too many crafters out there.

I guess the economy is ok with rare / blessed items and housing market, but for items like Runebooks, Full spellbooks, other profession items, resources.. its pretty low comparing to other shards.

When starting a crafter, some of the professions such as Alchemy and Inscription will generate loss while gaining. Not sure about long-term profit. If you have to mass produce them to get any profit as prices are pretty low.

At some Finnish shard we had unions for professions, which kept economy in balance. These unions decided prices for items like Runebook, or Full spellbook. When to lower or raise prices and decide other general rules regarding shard's economy.

That Donation money should somehow be fixed as now rich people in real life will get rich in-game as well and its not fair to other people not having that much money, or not willingly wanting to support the server in that way.

I'm actually contrasting Donation money selling to in-game gold to this rule below, since real money is involved. People are using real money to get in-game gold instead.

You may not sell items, accounts or gold for real life currancy. All Real Life Trading (RTM) is prohibited.
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maybe they should push the prices for these goldsink items like 500k the first 6 month the after this one yard cost now an 1 million equal to the gold amount avg on server ???

Karl Sagan

Main two causes of high end items dropping in value IMO:

1. Significant and steady influx of donation coins, which are then used as currency in game.

2. Lots and lots o pretty items to buy. This means they are less special.

This is made worse by taking rare items and making them either not rare or less rare. Server birth rares are now mob drops. Items billed as unique are available on the donation store for a fraction of what the 'unique' item was worth.

Anybody with the ability to buy high end stuff has done so, been burned, and learned that 9/10 times it makes less sense to buy that rare item than it does to just wait till the cheaper one is available. Most with rare items are like 'shit better sell this now before the price drops'.

Bang, high supply low demand. Wanna move shit you gotta cut prices. Sucks, unless you're buying and not planning on selling.

It will be interesting to see what effect the new ultra high end items on the donation vendor will hav on donation coin values.


The real reason prices don't increase:
They keep adding new good content, why buy old when you can buy new. Nothing wrong with this. We actually have a gold (donation coin) based economy.


It also means that inflation isn't going up, which is a relatively good thing. Your items are worth the same because demand is the same, but the amount of gold is less. It means gold sinks are working.


No inflation is one of the best things for shard growth. You don't went new players feeling they need to pay to win or like they can work crazy hard and still never amass wealth.


You just gotta get lucky if that's a game you're trying to profit from. Some items I have bought have gone down substantially in value while others have skyrocketed...and not one of them are for sale.

I buy what I want to hang onto. My accounts are not revolving doors of rare/high value items because anyone I see doing that is getting burned, and several of you are here attesting to that right now.

I have a buddy who has lost probly 15-20 mil from poor B/S/T and not being able to keep an item more than a week or two.


I get my kick from buying and selling, this thread is not about me losing on those items because I rarely do its the difference from pre expansion to post expansion. Almost no ones items are moving not just mine the forums are full of things for sale and no one is buying.


Kaz any time you post I totally agree with you!! your basically saying the same things im thinking of and have not said yet. Im not complaining about fallon cloth man give me one example of 5 items like i mean house rare or wearable that has gone up in price and is not a one time dono item. Oh any another prime example that something is wrong I see somone selling a ethy mount for 100k a brit bank. Its not just my high end items that are out of whack its the small things thats what everyone is not seeing I see it daily now even on items that are worth 150k a month or 2 ago are now 100-110k.
Oh by the way that 100k ethy guy was scamming, had a horse named EtherealStatuette in the guard shack.

Poor horsey got smoked by an exp/eb, I don't know how that happened.


The real reason prices don't increase:
They keep adding new good content, why buy old when you can buy new. Nothing wrong with this. We actually have a gold (donation coin) based economy.

I have to agree %100 with this. It's like I said in the other thread. Once the new model comes out no one wants the old. UOF has an ecomomy it's just different. A lot of us left the old UO because we didn't like the direction of the game. So we need to embrace things that are different and learn to enjoy the game as it is now. Id suggest buying items be it donation or other because you like them not because you think it is an investment.


Let me being some perspective here from a new player on the shard.

I hesitantly started a month ago. I was reluctant because I didn't want to be a forever newb because of my late start.

After spending some time in he newbie dungeon and browsing the selling forums, I realized I could still thrive on this shard using gold earned the old fashioned way - killing monsters.

I understand how frustrating the lack of inflation can be, but the uo forever economy is not based on debt, so it is not analogous to the real word. Inflating prices just wouldn't make sense.

The economy now is friendly for enticing new players.