WTS Sold b/o META dragon lv6 - cool hue!

The Gronk

So just for shits and giggles I looked at "musicmans" profile and checked all his posts and you would never believe it but every single 1 has some sort of involvement with Killer posts or bids. Coincidence? This has has been ripping people off on here and discord left and right, Sir Samurai, Samurai, Killer, and all the other aliases he goes by. Avoid dealing with this guy... Just take a look at Seashore house Post and see what he did there. LOL


Agreed. However, what I can guarantee is that this was not sold for B/O.

Certainly didn't fetch a real S/B either lol

Oh, no doubt. Like I said earlier, I'm all for people trying to get the most out of their shit, but this post would make even Bobby blush. Hopefully we can just bury this one now so we don't have to keep seeing this bullshit.