WTS [SOLD] 17x15 | Max Storage | Vesper guardline south | Coast | No spawn/block

Elizabeth Gold

This beautiful customized sandstone keep can be found next the coastline South West of Vesper. It has ocean access and is a screen away from guardzone. The area is populated by several members of EQMS in case this interests you (as a friend or as a foe). So weather you are a merchant, fisherman, pirate, factioneer or just looking for a quite and convient location to set up your home/shop; this place offers it.

EDIT: The plot comes without design/furniture. If you like to keep it as it, the design value is exactly 350k, the furnutire I thow in for free.

S/b: 1.150.000 gold
B/o: 5.000.000 gold

Bidding can be doen until friday 2017/05/26 midnight.
To avoid sniping, this deadline moves 24h's after last bid.





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Scarlet Seas

Had a bid in, need to get a couple sales done before I can commit to anything though. Will try to get it back in if I can


Had in there 1.35 but must retract my bid as I need relics more. Gl!

Highest bid was 1.4 and it was retracted.. Highest before that was 1.35 and also retracted... 1.3 is the highest bid atm.

also I hope no one snipes the house. You said you would move the auction close date 24 hours after last bid. The last bid was last Wednesday almost 5 days ago.

also bump for this person and their amazing location


I'm sure I love Vesper. I know that I've enjoyed that town over all others in the time I've played this game. I also know that I've never owned a house so large.


EQMS has nothing to do with it nor is any of my concern, unless they wanna buy out the house I want with their mega millions... In which case... what is a lonely single player in this shard to do?