


Ahoy. Yous be the Dread Pirate Captain? Mostly inconsequential to I's operations....

But...I's seein your goons interrupting my deep salvage soon enough. It would be unfortunate for I's and you's if my loots is interrupted.

(ooc. Love you guys :) But seriously, take Sunday's off so the rest of us can loot a box :) )


Pirate? No, no, you have us all wrong. There isn't need to find yourself concerned with our operations and enforcement of licensure, Mister Skjoldvard. A mutually beneficial agreement exists to not only legally register your ship but protect your assets at sea from pirates and cut down on pesky competition.

You may find it useful for any island hopping you do, seeing as our patrols actively seek out arms dealers and smugglers, as well. There's money to be made out there; we only want to make sure you are as safe as you can be. Your win is our win, after all.

Step into my office when you have some time, where your future of fame and fortune will be a signature away.


A license ye say? Lord British's charters mentioned naught!


Would such a thing cover all under I's employ?


Lord British doesn't cover much of anything, anymore. Anarchy and chaos are the laws of the mainland. The Vesper Commerce Commission maintains order at sea, on its way to founding its own thalassocracy in a wasteland of disorder and butchery.

I will send you details on what the Commission and its privateers can do for you and yours.


The Vesper Commerce Commission maintains order at sea, on its way to founding its own thalassocracy in a wasteland of disorder and butchery.

I's'll put it out fer yas, Needin' order at sea is largely causin' yous create anarchy. Little more than pay-off monies. Thugs, be yas. I's not in a mood to entertain had I's an army at my heel...I'll think this over. Guilds new. May be some time aforein I's can pay, should I's decide to go into business,.