Skill gain

Smokey McCallum

Does skill gain decrease nearer the skill cap? So would training skills on a fresh toon go quicker than on a toon near 700 total skill?
I believe poogoblin is wrong. There is a calculated formula that creates a "gain curve" in skills. The higher your skill is, the more difficult it becomes to raise. Raising skills in dungeons can help with the skill curve, as it creates a multiplier on this server. There are penalties for raising skills in houses or boats.

Smokey McCallum

I believe poogoblin is wrong. There is a calculated formula that creates a "gain curve" in skills. The higher your skill is, the more difficult it becomes to raise. Raising skills in dungeons can help with the skill curve, as it creates a multiplier on this server. There are penalties for raising skills in houses or boats.

I understand that individual skills slow near 100 but was wondering about the skill gain near 700 cap thats all. So my question was would it take longer raising a skill from 0 to GM at 500 total skill for example than with a fresh char. I think poogoblin was right, I hope so anyway now ive made a new char ha
I still think it's incorrect unless staff here intentionally changed it. RunUO 2.0 to 2.5 uses the same skill gain formula, you can check it yourself in SkillCheck.cs from the repo. The lines we're checking are: (This is the default RunUO code)

bool success = ( chance >= Utility.RandomDouble() );
double gc = (double)(from.Skills.Cap - from.Skills.Total) / from.Skills.Cap;
gc += ( skill.Cap - skill.Base ) / skill.Cap;
gc /= 2;

gc += ( 1.0 - chance ) * ( success ? 0.5 : (Core.AOS ? 0.0 : 0.2) );
gc /= 2;

gc *= skill.Info.GainFactor;

if ( gc < 0.01 )
gc = 0.01;

The words "skill.Base" account for your overall skill level, not just a singular skill.

I might be wrong, but I trust code over words.


Your question can be answered by these following. I'll give a simple explanation (which is a bit wrong but covers the logic), but there are other factors at play here.

double gc = (double)(from.Skills.Cap - from.Skills.Total) / from.Skills.Cap;
gc += ( skill.Cap - skill.Base ) / skill.Cap;
gc /= 2;

Basically, if you're training a new skill from 0 on a toon who has 0 total skill, then you have 100% chance to gain skill, whereas if you're training a new skill from 0 on a toon who has reached the skill cap on other skills (and i guess has some of them pointed down), then you only have a 50% chance to gain the skill.

So it's twice as hard to gain with no total skill points vs. maxed skill points.

I hope that helps!

Smokey McCallum

I knew this was the way on the other shard i played but have no idea how it is on this shard. Thanks for your help lads would love a gm to confirm if the formula is the same as RunUO or not. It would make such a difference raising skills like poisoning and taming. Everything ive seen on the subject has been conjecture or guesswork rather than confirmed facts.


Everything ive seen on the subject has been conjecture or guesswork rather than confirmed facts.

I think @Shane expects the players to discover the intricacies of things themselves and tends to shy away from being transparent about formulae and numbers. I don't think you'll be getting a clear answer there.

Nothing wrong with that, just a design choice made by the owner.


Did you... did you read the code?

Please tell me that youre joking......... so youre telling me if i get on my 7x bardcher and drop archery for fencing that fencing will be harder to gain because im at 700? that doesnt even make sense skill gain matters on the actual skill not your cap


Please tell me that youre joking......... so youre telling me if i get on my 7x bardcher and drop archery for fencing that fencing will be harder to gain because im at 700?

Yes that's exactly what I'm telling you.

that doesnt even make sense skill gain matters on the actual skill not your cap

Both come into play. Again, did you read the code? Both the total skills cap and the individual skill cap are part of the formula...


Yes that's exactly what I'm telling you.

Both come into play. Again, did you read the code? Both the total skills cap and the individual skill cap are part of the formula...
I shall test this :) but that truly is shocking news to me... cus ive dropped a couple skills on 7x characters and havent really seen a difference.. maybe the dungeon skill gain increase trumps it... UOF IS A MYSTERY lol

Smokey McCallum

I was asking this because I wanted to make the most of the skill boost weekend but as ive been busy most of the weekend it hasnt gone to plan ha. After the weekend I will wipe one of my chars and train a skill at the same time on a gm char and test out the difference in gain if any. I shall report back with my findings. Stay tuned!
Even though this is the default runuo code that I quoted, I am being told that this servers code differs and that it doesn't directly affect gains. I was wrong, none of this information is really open to the public.