There's no way any of those could be macro'd in an hour back in the day on OSI.
That said, It's curious how it would work on a shard that has fast skill gains like here. Even with my curiosity, I think that it would deter players from being reds as opposed to just providing a punishment. We definitely do not want a red-free shard.
It would work here the same way it did on OSI. The reds that died with 5 or more short term counts would macro of the counts as a ghost. There is no way someone would be dumb enough to rez and take the stat loss. The reds that died that had 4 or less short term counts would be free to rez and get back in the action. Even if a red did rez and take stat loss... it would take them at least a day maybe two to macro back to 7x GM. Either that or they would be fighting at a huge disadvantage. The benefit to this system is it allows the reds that don't go out and kill everyone in sight the ability to roll play the game as it was intended… be it faction, order/chaos, PVP or whatever. The only adjustment I would make to the original system is to reduce the stat loss short term count from 5 or more to 2 or more.
Changing this one thing would eliminate the need to have all the new conditions on faction champ spawns.