WTS Selling Tons of Stuff

Dwyane Wade

Selling tons of stuff...some of it will have a fixed price while others I'll be taking offers on. Hit me up :)

All of the items with a fixed price are on my vendors at my Ocllo Bank house, the 2 vendors on the steps

Ethy Swamp Dragon - 390k
Ethy Hiryu - 510k
Ethy Llama - 130k

Light of British - 150k
Phoenix Gloves - 125k
Ranger Gorget - 250k
Ranger Cap - 125k
Ranger Gloves - 250k
12k Platinum - 325k
Twilight Lantern - 450k
Bone Set - 125k
Full Costume Set - 1.3m
Zombie Event Statue - 110k

Metal Red Wiz Hat, blessed/marked - 250k
Blood Red Robe, blessed/marked - 235k
Metal Red Fancy Shirt, blessed/unmarked - 150k
Oui-ja Board - 130k
Gazer statue - 75k
Zombie statue - 40k
Fire ele statue (small) - 75k

Go go go!

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DWade, you looking for cash to buy coins or just straight cash? Interested in the gold cloth + brown drag, among other things.


DWade, I will take the Phoenix gloves now and figure out what I want to offer for the other stuff.