WTS Selling something - that I forgot to leave at home)))! Epic + Rare


Selling something - that I forgot to leave at home)))!
Write your proposal in PM. I will begin to reply on Monday. While I learn how the price policy has changed.
The best store in Britain forcheap things - Vendors in Vesper at the same place, will begin work from Wednesday.
Thank you for understanding.
Hello everyone I have not seen for a long time. Moved to another country, got married, there is a child, in short much that happened))))! Vacation was good

P.S. Buy a house on storage 1576. Solitary. Preferably on the island.
P.S. I just found out that next to my old house, put 2 houses to loot )) lol


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Tamtam! A hero emerges in our darkest hour.
And congratulations on your itty-bitty Egor.


I need a house))))! I have nowhere to lay down my things, I'm full, I have three full bills, I have to put money in a beetle! Because there is no place in the bank! When I was not, I still had sellers, those things that were not sold out, got into the bank, now if I take anything from the bank, I can not put it there. In 2 times more things than can be)))) AAAAA. Who wants to earn to kill my beetle there 6 million already, the most expensive beetle in UO !!! BUY THE HOUSE



Blaze ork shaman
Blaze ophidian warrior
PW scorpion
PW skelet
PW zombie
Flesh renderer
One Hydra = One more remained

Total 11 million.
The remaining transactions will be closed gradually until Monday
Buy a house!