WTS Selling lots of things!


PM me!

10k Barbed Leather

Fallon Ice Fiend statue
Daemon statue
Lich Lord statue
Lich Statue
Hell Cat statue
Skeleton statue (both types)

Red Spellbook (unblessed)
Title hue scroll 1168
Easter body paint (pink)
Red Sandals (unblessed) x2
Volcanic Rocks

Cultist Paint x28
Dragon bone shards x18
Pieces of ancient armor: gorget, tunic
Ancient hammer shards x22
Mib's x42
Fishing nets (green) x 37

Fishing powerscroll 105
Lumberjacking powerscroll 105


Plain x116
Cleverly x28

Skill Scrolls:
Lockpicking x1
Blacksmith x1
Stealing x6
Stealth x2
Hiding x2
Archery x1
Healing x1
Peacemaking x23
Magery x24
Alchemy x8
Inscribe x5
Fishing x15
Carpentry x3
Tailoring x4
Eval x1
Anatomy x1
Tactics x1
Tinkering x11
Lumberjacking x4
Fencing x23
Macing x20
Swords x21
Wrestling x9
Fletching (green) x10
Fletching x4
Parrying x3
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