Selling Blaze Sandles

This Guy must have been good to scam someone and get people thinking it is someone else... Because I didn't scam no one but it sounds like it was a good one I should start taking credit.
No wow...I see why that dude was talking shit to me like he was. I was so confused at first. I bought the sandals of a guy with a npc name spamming in Brit saying Selling Blaze sandals cheap.... So if that was him I dont know but he sold them pretty cheap and i saw a investment opportunity anyone would have jump on it.


Does anyone really believe for a second that UO player DickPumpUSA isn't the culprit and just a reasonable dude that got a sweet deal?
Ive had my mask since day one I joined ask brym I did alot of buisness with him using it. Ask Lord Speed Dial had it when He added me to the his guild....I had 40k donation coins so far from poor noobs this guy is laughing in your faces, Thinking it was me lol anyway Still selling sandles


Im just gonna throw this out there.

Theres stories of either the same guy or multiple people doing this for awhile now, across many different shards. Happened to me for luckily a small amount on another server. I have never ever heard of this person or these people giving up their identity in any way whatsoever.

Its been a long time. Why would they slip up now? They clearly want their identity kept secret, so I see no reason why they would chose to post selling items with their actual character name. At this point I highly doubt this guy had anything to do with it past getting an amazing deal.

Just my 2 cents.

P.S. - FYI seeing people argue and blame like this is likely extremely satisfying for this (lets admit it) sick fuck. At the moment this is probably all playing right into his dirty little hands.