WTS Selling 3x Gargish Power Words

Lord Hampton Royce

mar / zhajd / glo




What you want to know ? :)
You need a gargoyle workbench, you need these words , you need runes, and armor you want to went into Slayer. A and the Legendary hammer.
So every word is a Slayer like xxx = repond etc. We allready crafted again some Armor.. And testet it.. Its not add damage.. Its Reduce the Damage you get from MObs to 50% and you see everytime they hit you that Flash like you would slay a mob with a Slayerweapon. We just testet the Crap ones because all good needs some Runes. We not found so far. and we had like 200+ Runes but alot Runes still missing :-( So i dont know if they in game right now.. To pretend that people craft it. No Clue. But we working on it to get it out :)


yea we know like 11 words what it is.. for the rest are the Runes Missing.. So we coudlnt try them out.


i cant say. :) I dont want to destroy the fun for Exploring the Slayer system. Everyone would farm all the receipts and Runes then for it :) So we said we keep it as a Secret. Everyone needs to find it out byurself. Or it will revealed later somehow . :) pls dont missunderstand that. Its just to keep the Fun. :)