Selling 13 x 16 plot next to Dungeon Hythloth SOLD to Poon Doctor


I am selling this great plot next to dungeon Hythloth. This would be a great house to mine out of or vend or anything you might want. If interested reply to the post and see if we can deal I have seen houses like this sell in terrible locations for upwards of 500k with a terrible location. I would like to get 500k for it but I will consider other offers if bidding goes higher in 24 hours.

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so far 450 is all thats been offered I would like to let it run for 24 hrs. But I would deffinently want to get 500k for it. but we will see it might do 450 if that all it brings.
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I also wanted to mention this might be able to put down a 14 x 16 looking from one side it should be possible but im not sure don't want to test it.
But so far your the only post so far.


I apologize but I don't have any use for donation coins and the lowest I am willing to go is 450,000 but it looks like since it hasn't sold yet I will keep it up till I get a minimum bid of 450k which was lower then I originally wanted to get of 500k. But since that was the highest bid I am just going to sell it out right for 450K


Hey Adrock, the man is offering you 505k worth of a bid (at least). You can take the donation coins and sell them on forums for will sell them fast. No joke, they sell quick especially during the holidays.

Just trying to help


I do apologize I am unfamiliar with the games monetary system and yes I will except your offer give me a time you can be on and we can make the exchange Poon Doctor. And thank you Milkyfeet for the info


I haven't heard nothing back from Poon Doctor so I still want to let everyone know its still for sale. Asking price is 500k buy out. This is a great plot.


I have spoken to Poon Doctor I believe he is buying the plot so this auction might be closing once I get a reply