Selling 120 taming


I have been looking for this ps for a while now, but DAMN 8mil. I can promise my first born dragon and my first born mare child and still not have enough ROFL


And I've changed my mind on the auction, since 2 have sold for 8.5 and 8m in the last 2 weeks, so 8 mil firm :)

I don’t remember seeing any go for this high… do you have links to the threads?

I’m not going to de-rail your other thread but 135k per 1k donation coins is a wee bit low in my opinion?!?!

Congrats on the score tho!!


Alright, I'll do some more research and re-evaluate the dono thing, i hear that no one is in the market for a 120 right now so i will have to plan on holding it for a while. ill see if i can find the other threads later


there are plenty of people in the market I am sure, but 8m is a 2 mill bump from the previous grip of 120 tames that dropped a month ago, the first few will go high and then following the people that weren't willing to overpay are left. If you are willing to wait I am sure someone will eventually snap and pay, it's just dependent on how long you are willing to wait and how much you expect to gain from the waiting.


Alright, I'll do some more research and re-evaluate the dono thing, i hear that no one is in the market for a 120 right now so i will have to plan on holding it for a while. ill see if i can find the other threads later

Just bump it every other day... someone will bit soon.


I've been told that 2 have sold for 8.5 and 8m in the last 2 weeks, will check up on the sources, but that's obviously contradictory to your story


I would say the value dropped moreso than went up given what people have reported with the rune beetle. Though, scarcity is certainly in your favor. Raging makes a great point; it is like selling a Lamborghini, not everyone is going to be in the market for it.


I bought the last one for 8 mill and the one a week previous to that sold for 8.5. I dont remember there being 2 sold for 8.5 but who knows. 8 Mill is reasonable and you will get it within a week or so.


Here is the other.
She's asking a valid amount.

As for the dono, her accepting it means she has to spend more time selling more stuff. I'd do the same.

Just to clarify, I was not saying she was in the wrong, however the market does move up and down from time to time. People seem to not be as high on the beetle, which could lead to a devaluation of the 120 taming. Time will certainly tell as there are quite a few variables at play. I concur with you regarding the coins and I feel donation coins have value (they are on the up imo after the recent slide). Judging by the recent mod post, the staff puts in quite a bit of stock into the value of the donation coins, so it is not a bad deal to have a few lying around.