Make sure you use tiledata.mul from the .rar file. That is the file that fixes the ogre appearance in game.
Apparently I do not know how to unzip files.... My apologies! Thank you for the help!
Make sure you use tiledata.mul from the .rar file. That is the file that fixes the ogre appearance in game.
@Blair What he said, I had to re-download Staidx0.mul, statics0.mul, multi.mul, and tiledata.mul to see my cave house area static! Please fix this so i can do rdas and see my cave area on sallos! I tried replacing one at a time, but it seems they are coded to work with each other i got this lol. http://prnt.sc/c4qmrwYeah the one cave house friend i have i cant recall to the house anymore. Also cant go through the entrance.
Just you. You probably aren't using the UOF launcher version of UO.
@Blair Minotaur/Trinsic files instantly make Wrong Dungeon and Cave Houses unplayable. Is that me or a known issue?