WTS Reptile meta steed egg (hue 2963)




People that don't know Hanes get the impression he's shady right off the bat so he oughta know.

It's funny to hear other people's stories about him.


People that don't know Hanes get the impression he's shady right off the bat so he oughta know.

It's funny to hear other people's stories about him.

yea im not sure if he delusional or if he honestly so brain damaged he forgets his not the only one who has been on UOF for years and we all seen the sketchy drama as it unfolds a pretty hefty amount of it around him.

and he calls me sketchy id love to see 1 post/topic that describes me doin sketchy shit


im sure what happened was either the seller just put the item on the vendor for Bromista to pick up later or he got anxious to sell and put it on the vendor. and the only person here that is shady is

i usually do not speak my mind on the forums in game or irc but i absolutely cannot stand cheaters and exploiters. you've been know to do these multiple times in the past.
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lmao!! never took @tankian to be the jealous type!

Let's be honest here though, manolo was unable to make the deal at the time the auction ended. That discredits him as an auctioneer, especially given it was a 12 hour auction.

Putting it on a Yew Bank Vendor is also suspicious, as who in their right mind would expect that would ensure the winner would get it??

And all conjecture aside, you should all be way more thankful for all the bug reporting I've done. I have never exploited anything/broken rules the entire time I've played here. Not one person here can say I have.


Ya that's not my alt account. Why would someone make an alt forum account? Hand jibbers?
Wrexx always getting blamed for stuff. Little disappointed your not sitting on a Steed egg would have been fun level one opposite you again.


I was told, even full relic'd out/max level its slightly... slightly better than a WW. So i fail to see the reason behind it. However, i'd love to level 1.


Ya I get it, a rideable WW, i'll just end up earning my own egg. I don't see dropping 4 mill on a steed egg that you'll never get your money out of. A meta dragon will pay for itself in a few weekends.