"repairable" slayer spellbooks


Not sure if this has been suggested yet but wanted to address it since i've had a meta mage. I love using my meta mage but the one thing that is annoying is how many resources he uses. You have reagents and on top of that, need slayer spellbooks to do really good damage. But unlike slayer weapons, which can be repaired and used indefinitely bar a death where the equipment isn't retrievable, slayer spellbooks crumble and disappear when all the charges are used up. I suggest that there be some way to recharge/repair the slayer spellbooks just like you can repair weapons. Make them unblessable so people can't use the dono spellbook bless deeds on them. What does everyone think about this?

Steezie E

While I kind of like this idea, wouldn't it gimp the spellbook market? If weapons broke easier, I feel the equipment market would be a lot more interesting.


Yea you're probably right but I'm less concerned bout market as I wrote that up because I just make everything myself. If weapons broke easier, that would be really crappy. It wouldn't make the market more interesting, imo. It'd make things much more annoying for champs and farming. You have to repair enough as it is. Plus, it being felucca there's enough of a risk losing things to PKs that many do find themselves having to buy new equipment. I guess that's the point too. We already risk losing the books to PKs. Why not make them rechargeable so we don't have to worry about it when it reaches 0?

Steezie E

Yea you're probably right but I'm less concerned bout market as I wrote that up because I just make everything myself. If weapons broke easier, that would be really crappy. It wouldn't make the market more interesting, imo. It'd make things much more annoying for champs and farming. You have to repair enough as it is. Plus, it being felucca there's enough of a risk losing things to PKs that many do find themselves having to buy new equipment. I guess that's the point too. We already risk losing the books to PKs. Why not make them rechargeable so we don't have to worry about it when it reaches 0?
The more demand for equipment because of losses and breakage would increase the need for crafted equipment, and the market wouldn't be flooded like it is.
I make my own stuff too, and as annoying as it is, keeping your equipment chest stocked is an enjoyable part of the game I feel.


The more demand for equipment because of losses and breakage would increase the need for crafted equipment, and the market wouldn't be flooded like it is.
I make my own stuff too, and as annoying as it is, keeping your equipment chest stocked is an enjoyable part of the game I feel.

Ohh I understand that. But just as you and others might not think my idea would be good, I just don't find that interesting but annoying. Yeah, it could help the market but it gets annoying when you're making alot of slayers and don't get the one you need, and if buying, can't find vendor stocked while looking just because your weapon just happened to break when it wouldn't have before. Anyway, back to the topic, this post is for the spell books not other equipment.