Removing runes from books without all runes shifting places.


I can see a few players here like the idea, so don't hate me for my answer... after all ''It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it. ''

But I will say that runebooks are a privilege to begin with. It's these small time sacrifices that we put up with that balance out the books from being too overpowered.

Bumping in the suggestions section is really unnecessary since the section only see's a few threads move up the list per day, so please try to refrain in the future.


that balance out the books from being too overpowered.

Wreck, I usually always (dbl negative) agree with your points. But how in hell can a runebook be considered OP? lol
This is great idea! Simplistic!
The idea of being able to mark straight to the book! Fantastic idea!


Not really a double negative. I don't english too good tho so who knows. And ya runebooks are a pretty powerful tool mate gonna have to trust me on that one.

I can say tho that I do think making anything more user friendly is a + when it comes to new player growth however so i'm almost 50/50 on this anyways.



Would also love the ability to rearrange existing runes in a runebook... simple UP or DOWN arrows would suffice.

@JesusChrist @CSharpGods please help


Ability to shift runes around via up or down arrow and ability to mark or remark a rune from directly inside the book.

I have wished for this ever since I first started using runebooks