Removing recall


Forgive me if I have interpreted this incorrectly and correct me if, indeed, I am travelling down the wrong path, but walking around without a mount really does provide a renewed sense of adventure with excitement to boot. Believe it or not, players rely more on methods and tactics that are not used when one has the privilege of tapping their heels and galloping off into the sunset. Perhaps add what has already been said to an event style occasion, at least then we could see if it would work or not and have no fear about changing it back to normal if expectations are not met.

No... Running around is NOT the adventure.. However you may do some running while on your adventure.

Recall allows non-combatants to select to a degree if they will fight. If your a solo bard... and you see a gang of henchmen headed your way you can recall out. It balances the scales. A solo bard was not going to win that fight, and elminated the fight. However if a group of 6 people out for blood come across another group of people they will likely fight if both groups are inclined to do so..

removing recall or disallowing recalls use in dungeons would only serve larger groups of ganking. It would not raise the quality of battle, or the consistency, and in fact would drive off a huge amount of the player base.

Yes you're so hardcore.. This is just a bad idea...


Why would it be different for one vs all dungeons? You could still recall to overland spawns and places like the fire temple if you want to "solo bard" as you put it. I mean, how fun is it really to just recall to a known spawn, provoke the immediate area, and recall to the next spawn?

Dungeons were supposed to be an adventure. Especially when you look at the time they put into creating a nice even spawn layout in all of the dungeons that nobody is going to see because they can recall in to lvl5 and recall out.
Shoot dungeons are an adventure already fight in spawns the gank squads then the pk's then the greifing blues I mean shit with no recall there is no game instant death the Griefers would be In heaven there are very few liggit pk and liggit reds the ones that are keep it real already but lame Griefers would exploit the hell outta no recall


No.. many other things on UOF encourages blue gank squads. Khaldun is a place for PvP -- and PvP should be expected there.

Never implied pvp did not happen at Khaldun. In fact, never implied that blue gank squads wasn't some form of pvp. I did however reply to Dig'em when he quoted me and stated that the dungeon Khaldun wasn't in fact what I was thinking about for my suggestion.


How does it encourage blue gank squads if everyone there is gray? *confused*

Sent from Baja 1997 - ICQ 12013388

Well I guess it means that it allows guilds to zerg lower numbers of opponents without paying the penalty of taking counts. Ganks happen all the time in the game as they should. I guess though I would rather see players get counts and go red rather than just staying blue and playing both sides of the fence.

Don Key

You could still use rings of forgiveness without recall being removed.

Would this be more acceptable to the people who are against the idea? I figure with the 30 minute cooldown on that thing it would allow the solo noobs to get away quickly but couldn't be abused to teleport all over the map like the recall spell.


O.k. last post and it is going to be blunt:

In no way, shape, or form is this idea going to be acceptable to more than six people on all of UOF. UOF was built on a model of ease of access and low barrier to entry and your suggestions fly in the face of that idea.

Speaking for myself, when I started playing UO I was a 14 year old with no responsibility and a need for something to do while laying around after football practice. Today I am 28 years old, I work shift work with scheduled overtime, I have a wife, and I have a mortgage.

That probably describes many people here in some way another but speaking for myself, if I had to grind and grind to make a living here I would not be as heavily invested as I am.

If you wanna play that way in 2014 then you'll be a lonely player on a barren server.

Keep it oldschool for you, but please don't suggest it for the rest of us.


Hey I asked nicely at least and presented a laundry list of reasons why it ain't gonna work. That's a hell of a lot more consideration than you're going to get from anyone else who disagrees.

Better is a highly subjective term, but at least it seems you are aware of that.


Can I suggest 1 swing kill (hit Optional) Halberds that can be purchased for real cash? I mean this is a legit as an idea as No Recall.


Didn't this already happen, then the gold got nerfed immediately?

..yeeeaaaa. People complain, things get changed, yada yada. A bunch of grown up cry babies.


I think we should remove mounts and add in walking stamina loss and perhaps a button to rest against a tree when your character gets worn out from traveling, too.

Sent from Baja 1997 - ICQ 12013388

Don Key

I think we should remove mounts and add in walking stamina loss and perhaps a button to rest against a tree when your character gets worn out from traveling, too.

Sent from Baja 1997 - ICQ 12013388

A mountless UO is actually quite fun.

Mortal characters was pretty fun as well.