I am not sure who thought it would be a good idea to change the AI in such a way, but it is ********.
If you wanted to help tamers avoid being PKd, make it so their pets actually attack the player they tell them to even when they are being attacked by something.
Bards already have the ability to provo mobs, they did not need a free instant mass provo on any red player without having to do anything.
I thought this server was trying to avoid trammel? This has to be one of the dumbest changes ive seen yet since starting here a couple years ago, and there have definitely been some ass fucking backwards 'fixes' (stun tamers is 1 ex) .
If you are going to shift the balance in such a way, at least give reds something in return like no more statloss, but this insta aggro from mobs on any red player is just stupid.
If you wanted to help tamers avoid being PKd, make it so their pets actually attack the player they tell them to even when they are being attacked by something.
Bards already have the ability to provo mobs, they did not need a free instant mass provo on any red player without having to do anything.
I thought this server was trying to avoid trammel? This has to be one of the dumbest changes ive seen yet since starting here a couple years ago, and there have definitely been some ass fucking backwards 'fixes' (stun tamers is 1 ex) .
If you are going to shift the balance in such a way, at least give reds something in return like no more statloss, but this insta aggro from mobs on any red player is just stupid.