Remounting during combat.


Can we have small mounts like horses and beetles excluded from being non remountable? It would give regular mounts a tiny bit of a use. Thanks.

Also, when dismounting, your mount always walks south east a tile, is this intentional? Would be nice if it stayed on the same tile you get off it.


@Shake - There is currently an option in Razor and UOS that prevents dismount during combat and there are no bolas on UOF, so you should not ever be off your mount for it to be attacked.

But that said, please provide more details for your argument so that we can fully see what the issue you found is and how this resolves it.


Well, you can block people with mounts, however the mount moves a tile south east every time, which makes it hard. You can also use mounts, especially beetles to dismount all kill to disrupt other mages. It's a small change that most people won't think/know to use, but it can be a life saver and is a tool in 1v1 fights.


Also, when dismounting, your mount always walks south east a tile, is this intentional? Would be nice if it stayed on the same tile you get off it.
If you have mount set on "stay" it will stay beneath you when you dismont. It moves one tile if you have it set to follow you. Not sure why they made it like that.


I don't really see a problem with this as long as it's just regular mounts, ie wild horses, blue beetles, llamas, ridgebacks etc. Let's face it, these mounts would be trivial to deal with in a pvp situation. Sure, maybe they can get a disrupt in, or block a player, but if another player is willing to dismount riding one of these while running from a PK, it's their own demise lol.

But then again, who knows what exploits could be used.


give me this ! would be cool for dexxers for sure. Would also love to see this happening for Nightmares actually (but only if the all guard me teleporting dragons wud be removed)


give me this ! would be cool for dexxers for sure. Would also love to see this happening for Nightmares actually (but only if the all guard me teleporting dragons wud be removed)
Those mares/dragons that run as fast as their mounted owner firebreathing and stuff are doo doo. Please add this btw!


Those mares/dragons that run as fast as their mounted owner firebreathing and stuff are doo doo. Please add this btw!

It's more of an issue than most actually think. I'd rather see PvP tamers alá UOG on here than those teleporting cannons we have right now.