

Good morning/afternoon!

I have just returned to UOF after a long hiatus. Upon my return, I see talisman and relics. I also see they're bloody expensive and currently out of my reach cost-wise.

With that in mind, where does one obtain the relics (ie, which monsters to farm, best techniques, etc.).

Thank you in advance.


I'm no expert but;

Altars in dungeons (destard 1, cove 5 and another one i always forget) that you can fill up with fragments, once the altar is filled a dungeon boss will spawn and upon killing the dungeon boss, there is a small chance for a relic to drop directly in to your bank for the people who contributed fragments to the altar (kind of works like champ, more fragments is more chance i suppose) (don't have to be logged in when the boss is killed)

Champ spawns have a chance to drop relics.

Monsters of the month can drop relics, current MOTM is Earth ele.

Relics drop in Random Dungeon Adventures.


I'm no expert but;

Altars in dungeons (destard 1, cove 5 and another one i always forget) that you can fill up with fragments, once the altar is filled a dungeon boss will spawn and upon killing the dungeon boss, there is a small chance for a relic to drop directly in to your bank for the people who contributed fragments to the altar (kind of works like champ, more fragments is more chance i suppose) (don't have to be logged in when the boss is killed)

Champ spawns have a chance to drop relics.

Monsters of the month can drop relics, current MOTM is Earth ele.

Relics drop in Random Dungeon Adventures.

Thank you for the response.

Where does one obtain the fragments? How difficult are the dungeon bosses as well?


Thank you for the response.

Where does one obtain the fragments? How difficult are the dungeon bosses as well?

They are called "multi-faceted charged crystals" and drop from monsters on the same dungeon floor as the altar.

The bosses are hard, soloing them is quite the accomplishment i think. From my experience a lot of people show up to do them, kind of like the arch demon.

Speaking of arch demon, that is another way to get some relics if i'm not mistaken. He spawns every 4-6 (?) hours in wrong 3.


I noticed a lot of meta pet relics/eggs for sale, but hardly see any dexxer relics. and when they are put up for sale, the price is crazy expensive.

I understand the demand for dex relics is high, but no one is selling them.


There have been a bunch of Dexter relics for sale over the last week or two... Only one real expensive is double strike...

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There have been a bunch of Dexter relics for sale over the last week or two... Only one real expensive is double strike...

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I only see phase/infect relics(less desirable ones) from Monday (6 pages down) from Real Sir Dwayne. I tried to bid on one of his auctions from couple weeks ago but the guy backed out. Not dealing with this player again.

look at the first page of the selling thread. 4 meta pet relics. 3 eggs. and many more as you go down the pages.


It all depends on what drops heavy that week/month man, I had to wait a while for someone to come on the forums with a quicksilver, you just have to save up and keep an eye out for the specific thing you're looking for.

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