WTS Relic Sale

Josh D

PM for relic purchases - no trades, just gold

Bloody Relic - 6 mill
Focal relic - 1.5 mill
Infected Wounds - 1.5 mil
Remedy - 1.5 mill
Tread - 2.5 mill (best berserker relic by far)

Also check out Zelda D-ports booty on yew bank for....
Skill scrolls (taming + more at the moment)
Power scrolls - tons of 105-115 (currently a 120 blacksmith too)
Crystal workbenches

I can also make slayer armor sets - just pm and let me know which ones you want!

Josh D

Some Motm, others were Arch Deamon.

Bloody Stands at 6 mill. When the meta mounts come out it will jump up significantly, so I'm pricing it in-between now and what it will be worth. I'm content to hold onto it and sell it for much more when they release.