Recommend a populist Vote to change Dexxers

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Try re-reading that. This doesn't say ONLY mace weapons. It is referring to within the mace fighting type weapons, only those will damage armor and lower stamina. Good try though.

Again, what are you talking about with stamina loss in relation to hp? It has always been if you are super low on HP, that you stamina goes down to nothing. But I am not sure how this is a problem. You think you should be able to run forever while at 1hp?

Is there a point here? That is exactly how it is on UOF.

'restricted to' mace weapons


'restricted to' mace weapons
Anyone who played a dexxor during the 99-2001 time period knows that nearly all dexxor weapons took some sort of stamina loss. Maces received a bonus in addition to this this for being a mace. This bonus is what that publish statement was about - not about stamina loss from weapons in general.


so, 3 day ban, please, i'd applaud a permanent ban again merely since the changes here are minimal to any other shard out there, in particular uoforever.

the pvp is the same script kiddies on both servers with purple potions so :p go for it sport!

This is a great attitude. You'll go far.


"The bonus for damaging armor and lowering stamina will now be restricted to the following mace weapons:"

You've misunderstood. The operative word here is "bonus." As Halygon has stated, the lowering of stamina and the damaging of armor applies to all weapons. Macing weapons get a BONUS - that's what compensates for the slower swing speed. And stamina drain was always tied to HP. The "restricted to" list applies to the macing weapons that get the stated bonus.

For better or for worse (and honestly I would argue worse), potions are an absolute necessity in PvP. Not only should you have many, many refresh pots, but you should have at least a few greater agility pots. If an explosion e-bolt combo hits you hard and you don't think you could survive another dump before healing kicks in, then you chug a refresh to get your swing speed up and try to disrupt any more spells from hitting. If you think you can survive a few more spells, wait until they've used their mana and given up on that dump, then you can safely drink a greater refresh to get back to 100% stamina without having to worry about being blasted down to low stam again. There really is an art to conservative potion use. But honestly, a lot of people will just carry massive pots, spam them, and then run away when they don't have anymore. You can also eat food during battle to gain more stamina.


This is a great attitude. You'll go far.
Thanks, and I'll take the sarcasm with it; and a serving of cheese and wine.

video linked shows the server as of February 2014

where in fact stamina loss is not present on the following:
3 or in relation to damage, with anything other then maces.

which is in accordance to UO:R;

which now leads me to believe there has been a change to this previously
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Thanks, and I'll take the sarcasm with it; and a serving of cheese and wine.

video linked shows the server as of February 2014

where in fact stamina loss is not present on the following:
3 or in relation to damage, with anything other then maces.

which is in accordance to UO:R;

which now leads me to believe there has been a change to this previously
You are actually correct. The stamina drain for weapons was pretty abysmal for the first year of UOF. Then starting with UOF Publish 1b it became addressed. Maces received the bonus they were supposed to and the stamina drain calculation for all weapons was re-evaluated.


You are actually correct. The stamina drain for weapons was pretty abysmal for the first year of UOF. Then starting with UOF Publish 1b it became addressed. Maces received the bonus they were supposed to and the stamina drain calculation for all weapons was re-evaluated.

  • Macing
    • Stamina drain is now calculated with the formula damage/2*.7 (up from a flat 3 stam drained per hit).

that's the only mention of a stamina change on this publish in relation to stamina, still not accounting for the larger picture of total hp loss on stam loss; stam loss applicable to magic,swords,fencing weapons, etc.

Hate to be nitpicking, but the following is still very largely unclear -=and the stamina drain calculation for all weapons was re-evaluated. =-

no mention of this.

Don Key


I actually stopeed reading after the first post, but then this doozy popped up from the admin.

If public opinion is that the current system is good then you do not make a change. If people say that hey, you're right this should be changed then we often will change things. This is after a thought out discussion happens and it seems a majority of the shard agrees that it needs changing.

This line of thinking scares the shit out of me.

Half of the opinions expressed on these forums are borderline ********. Especially when what, 2% of the server population actually participates in the forums?


Stam loss on mace weds was present from 1997 until the end of uor

Fencing had piercing damage and swords had higher average per tier says in the uo handbook mate.



28 minutes in actually hits home, on an all too personal note for the people that i actually care to defend with this change.

but, it literally takes 2 minutes for this to come to a conclusion.

the rest of the video is negligible, but i wonder how many more instances i can find on this, almost with little to no effort on youtube.

apologies if this is seen as "over bumping"


I'm actually pretty sure SecretJ is correct...but since he has the maturity of a 6 year old I say leave the current system.


The dexxer on UOF is the most balanced dexxer class on any F2P shard i have played.

Personally i have NEVER seen dexxers running with fielding crews in factions, here on UOF 1 dexxer in a group can change the tide of a battle because they will completely take a mage out of the battle while dealing a great amount of damage and DP is very powerful here.

I think dexxers are great in the field and i think any type of buff would isnt needed.

The stam loss thing is a good point but if affects mages as well, mages need stam to stun.

I do however think if you are at a point of health maybe below 25% you should start to lose stam if you are running.


As far as depleting stam loss using a macing weapon goes, this was implemented in OSI to compensate for the fact Macing weapons cannot have poison applied.

It is a very fair trade IMO.

Also IMO a macing hit forcing a red pot on a mage so he can stun is far more productive then a DP hit that can just be cured instantly with a pot, you can DP over and over but once u knock someone down to 0 stam and that 1 second of walking instead of running its game over.




Even if you were right, you honestly go about it the wrong way. To the point that no one seems to care, or can handle reading your aggressively stated wall of text. I love dexxers but reality is you rude and people stopped reading when they figured that out. You show clear psychopathic traits which isn't a bad thing if you learn how to mange them properly. Coming from a medical professional educated psychopath myself, you need to relax a little.

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Personally i have NEVER seen dexxers running with fielding crews in factions, here on UOF 1 dexxer in a group can change the tide of a battle because they will completely take a mage out of the battle while dealing a great amount of damage and DP is very powerful here.

We did, there just wasn't many of us. Faction dexxer serve little more than wrecking balls, your job is divide get people to chase you want not. Half my actions on the forums would be just to make people want to kill me. The real reason why you don't see many faction dexxers, is just because of the sheer cost of equiping a dexxer vs a mage. Not many players can afford the true cost of what it takes to play a dexxer at high levels.

Due to pride though many mages, dismiss what a dexxer brings to the field compared to just one extra mage. Yes I can't sync but in a decent size fight I produce sheer chaos. My job isn't to kill as much as it is to divide survive and confuse.


Been called a psychopath in a polite way is arguably the best insult on the thread thus far; and yet still falls flat of the other highlights --- between being told 'how to play' and on numerous questions having to deal with quite possibly the poorest readers. that said; I'd hope to one day be truly educated, but this isn't the thread for that. It was about a stam change, not my personal history.

A huge problem I have with crowd sourcing is dealing with most of the personal attacks that stem from it, and I knew that before, and actually why I waited to post knowing it was going to be a shit-storm of personal attacks on who I am as a person, followed up with at least half a dozen dead end points and mini-skirmishes.

In all fairness, this is the internet, I saw something I felt was wrong, I was told to make a post. I did.

I followed orders to it, how you judge me, shows them how you judge (at large).

In short; I'll probably kill the thread just because I figured more people would have clearly seen the problem, a forum search reveals plenty of results about people wanting to know how to 'game' stamina, or ways of cheating it, as they have had problems with it.

But In short, In a perfect scenario where dexxers who played true osi for six years and never had to stam pot during UO:R ---- The only real thing that would change in a combat setting would be dexxer effectiveness. Apparently most people feel comfortable as it is, and that's great.

My true vision for this change has more to do with PVE gains, and less in total PVP gains.

In fact, I'd drop my argument entirely if one change didn't have to effect the other.

I really don't care how any of you feel about me on a personal level. I expected to suffer the wrath of the forum pitbulls, which is something any/all forums have. Which btw is probably why nobody cares to bother heading here *cough* assholes *cough*.
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