Recent Changes only recorded in MIRC


Supposedly there is a rumor in MIRC about recent RDA, slayer spellbook and meta mage changes. Anyone shed some light on this?

Young Star

RDA change:

RDAs are no longer on a 6 hour cycle.
They now spawn one at a time.
A gate has a timer that it will stay open ranging between 1-3 hours randomly.
If someone does damage to a monster in the RDA the timer will be extended 1 more hour.
When the timer runs out, if the boss hasn't been defeated, the gate will close and the next one will spawn in a new location.
If the boss is killed the next gate will come whenever the 1-3 hour random timer runs out.
If the boss is killed during the one hour extended time the next gate will open after the usual 5 minute decay.
The faction gate has a 33% chance of opening for a newly spawned RDA gate.
All faction bases will now work when the faction controls the sigil.