
Let's even things out. Make all reds receive notice of the RDA location and offer bounties on tamer heads and pets.

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This sort of reminds me of the "revamped" dungeons on the current EA shards (Shame and Wrong). For those that don't know (or don't play on EA anymore) the difficulty of the monsters in Shame/Wrong has been drastically ramped up (there are literally non-boss mobs on level 4 shame that have 50k hp!). In these dungeons all mobs only take half damage from pets and barding is very tough or impossible... The end result is that, in order to have a chance in these dungeons, most players use The Sampire template (http://www.uoguide.com/Sampire) as it's really the only legit way...

Personally I'd like to see a mix of different character builds being viable and I hope the admins here try to encorage this.

Karl Sagan

I think the idea of instanced dungeons that need multiple templates/play styles to get the most out of them actually sounds pretty neat.

Like IWD but pks are comin thru to kill you also. Maybe make it so lockpickers can open and relock doors or set traps, cartos can make a map of the dungeon, pets do reduced damage, melee classes get a bonus etc etc.

Honestly it doesn't seem like tamers are running out of places to farm, especially not to the point of needing a bunch of dungeons that drop mad loot and rares and are tamer (and Dwade) exclusive.


I've always thought OSI had it right when they introduced the Savages. Take a pet near those and you get dragonburgers for dinner that night.

Perhaps a random selection of mobs that could do a similar job in RDAs would help the issue with tamers?

Similarly perhaps some mobs that when provoked, instead cause some adjacent mobs (or spawn extra) to attack the bard?

Suggestions are better than complaints, even if they aren't great :)