Razor: Buy agent with 0 gold


Has anyone managed to make Razor Buy Agent work when buying from a NPC while having 0 gold in the backpack?
If i manually buy gold is automatically taken from the bank, while if i use razor agent i get the "buy agent didn't even try to buy items because you don't have enough gold"



Has anyone managed to make Razor Buy Agent work when buying from a NPC while having 0 gold in the backpack?
If i manually buy gold is automatically taken from the bank, while if i use razor agent i get the "buy agent didn't even try to buy items because you don't have enough gold"


It worked for me when I tried it. You might try to have actual gold in bank box instead of deposited.
the errors i get when doing it is if there is a single item for sell and a big group. so like ingots, a group of 900 and a few singles of ingots
Yeah, it does that to me too, some times. I can buy 3 or 4 vendors clean, with 0 gold in my bags, then it will start saying I need gold to make that purchase or something. I just go bank, withdraw 1k and resume buying. Mildly annoying.