WTS Raw Fish Steaks

Brother Aldric

I am new to the UOF community and I am having a BLAST! I have been working on a fisherman character and I am hoping to earn gold so that I can purchase a small boat.

I currently have 3700 raw fish steaks to sell. Is this something that people would buy or should I just dump them off the end of the Vesper docks.

Thanks in advance.
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Brother Aldric

I had a feeling.. I have been trying to sell that at the Brit bank and no one so much as looked at me lol. In terms of selling items in UOF without owning a vendor, is this the place everyone comes to to buy and sell?


no problem if you need any help in game pm me I am always willing to help out new players to UOF

Brother Aldric

Hi Hanebu, if you dont mind me asking, what do they usually sell for? I am looking to sell them so I can start a 'Boat' fund for a small boat so that I can take my enterprise to the high seas.


Hi Hanebu, if you dont mind me asking, what do they usually sell for? I am looking to sell them so I can start a 'Boat' fund for a small boat so that I can take my enterprise to the high seas.
Today's your lucky day buddy I just happened to get a small boat from an Idoc months back and been holding it. It's yours if you want... it's not much but it floats


Actually I have no idea about the prices.
I bought them to train my Gm Cook.

But if you want to buy cheap ships. I have every size on my vendor.
Its the pink lady west of yew moongate.
I sell them 15k under the NPC prices :)