WTB Ratman "Vermin" Hue 1932 Cloth


Upped offer paying 425k gold or 2.5k donos per yard ty
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Why not just try and make friends with someone who has a full set then steal it from them, I've heard your quite good at betraying the small amount of "friends" you do have.


Funny you had no problem trolling my selling thread.

Ps Lawl
You invited that trolling. Act like you didn't. Go ahead! You'll note that you tagged me regarding an item and the discussion was kept strictly to that item.

Find a parallel here. Go ahead! You'll note that you're ********.


buying or stealing ?

maybe RATing ?
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Hahahha blowmista looks like the community sees you for the scum you are. Hope you like all those deaths . One thing gets me, where are your white knights saving you now? And why call lithium out when you did the same damn thing to me in this thread. You my friend are truly an idiot


This is a buying thread?

I shouldn't address any of your drivel, but come on man I don't need anyone to help me fend off idiot children (true idiot children) please this is just comical.

Besides the only people that give a shit about my actions already thought I was a scumbag.

You baby *****.


Man you really don't know how to act do you?


This is a buying thread?

I shouldn't address any of your drivel, but come on man I don't need anyone to help me fend off idiot children (true idiot children) please this is just comical.

Besides the only people that give a shit about my actions already thought I was a scumbag.

You baby *****.


Man you really don't know how to act do you?

I think the concern here is you seem to not know how to really act as a sensible human being.

Unless your speaking on how to act to your friends and turning around and stealing their shit.