Ramsey Snow speeds hacks

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Karl Sagan

He probably got a +3 speed scroll from begging off the donation vendors.

They last 24 hours and make you move ~35% faster.

Kinda OP IMO but good for some fun, I have a stash of them from my beggar.


After receiving this page I followed this char around for a solid 10 minutes+ of him running around. I even recorded me running with him the entire time so that I could play it back and re-watch it at points of potential suspicion. I saw no evidence of him speed hacking while seeing him in long stretches of running during that time. This is to make you aware that your page was seen and not ignored.


He probably got a +3 speed scroll from begging off the donation vendors.

They last 24 hours and make you move ~35% faster.

Kinda OP IMO but good for some fun, I have a stash of them from my beggar.


Garet Jax

It baffles me at the sheer number of people crying speed hack!. Pretty much anytime someone gets assed up in the dirt it was a speedhack. I use to love getting accused every other day of speed hacking. lol


It baffles me at the sheer number of people crying speed hack!. Pretty much anytime someone gets assed up in the dirt it was a speedhack. I use to love getting accused every other day of speed hacking. lol
Yeah I know, right ? I'm still waiting for some good incriminating videos. All the ones recently have been a disappointment,


It baffles me at the sheer number of people crying speed hack!. Pretty much anytime someone gets assed up in the dirt it was a speedhack. I use to love getting accused every other day of speed hacking. lol

Just because he was not using it while a GM was observing him doesn't mean he was never using it. With your mentality you are almost conceding that there are no speed hacks on the server. I could not care a less about dying, it's part of the game. Unfortunately in this instance due to my lack of video evidence there is not much more to say.


If you learn that there is potentially a previously unknown pedophile working in the area at a local school, do you let the local media know so they can publish a bulletin in their paper for everyone to see, or do you let the relevant authorities know, so it can be investigated in covert style with a much greater chance of catching the culprit? The media also has a track record of getting things wrong or twisting the truth for extra publicity.

Okay, that is a bad example at best *um*, but why do folks have to plaster the forums with stuff like this since it obviously gets out to the culprit and he/she can go under cover, turning ninja and possibly avoided for longer? The only time it becomes remotely acceptable is if you can get a video recording of the incident, proving without a shadow of a doubt that the individual is actually speed hacking. This boils down to name and shame mentality which is warranted to a degree but all this thread has probably done is push the culprit *if he is a culprit* into a state of paranoia and possibly more careful next time.

Yeah bow to me for I am all knowing *farts*


Idk this guy may legit speedhack I saw him running around Brit grey and flagged on him, then he teleported like 12 tiles away. Literally went from in front of me to off screen in a second, but he's not really a threat I saw him flag on plenty but no one died.


Similar experience with this guy. I was running behind him on a straightaway in town, and then suddenly it was like he went to warp and jumped about 12 titles ahead (I could barely see his name on the edge of my screen a split second later).


New Member
Hi , I just wanted share my experience with you guys about this character named ramsay. Yesterday came across video on youtube about your server that got me excited. Didn`t take me long to download and install the client. Was pretty pleased with everything , got some free stuff (swords and ID wand) from players in front of the bank, even met some experienced player in newbie dungeon where I was given silver axe as a gift that helped a lot against undead J plus he provided me with lots of vital info about the game and the server, promoted the donation website that I was planning to use to get that special horse. When he was leaving he just said “have fun guys and help each other”. Nice touch, maybe I'm old school. Was playing for 12 hours uninterrupted , got some money from monsters, bought some armor, reagents just the usual stuff was having a blast with the game after playing it about 13 years ago the last time. I met another newbie in the dungeon straggling and I remembered how I got my special weapons (for free J) I gave him some ID gear I collected in the dungeon. I noticed that he was wearing just regular leather armor and I decided to go and buy him/her some special gear (bought it from NPC for 5k almost complete set) plus some reagents and weapons I got for free from other gamers. Came to graveyard to the entrance where the message told me that my character wasn`t able to enter the dungeon( I thought it was supposed to be 32 hours for new players that nobody can touch us) anyway I decided to hang around the entrance thinking the dude would eventually come out and reenter. Than I noticed Ramsay character approaching me (at that time I knew my character wasn’t “young” anymore) so I pulled his bar to make sure he wasn’t “red”. He was fully blue! And I how surprised I was when he attacked me. Of course I died, ran to the cross to resurrect and ran back to get my stuff. Of course he took everything (I was upset for that newbie I promised him/her to bring some better gear and now it was all gone ). Well Ramsay didn`t get enough, when I got back to my body he killed me again so I ran to the bank to get my original katana to get some revenge. Got really surprised after attacking him I was the criminal now(of course I didn`t manage to kill him J). From that point he started following me and killing me right after I resurrected. After death# 25 I logged out of the game and hit “uninstall”. But I must say I was having lots of fun for 12 hrs. Thank you.
sorry for the grammar I`m ESL

Karl Sagan

Hi , I just wanted share my experience with you guys about this character named ramsay. Yesterday came across video on youtube about your server that got me excited. Didn`t take me long to download and install the client. Was pretty pleased with everything , got some free stuff (swords and ID wand) from players in front of the bank, even met some experienced player in newbie dungeon where I was given silver axe as a gift that helped a lot against undead J plus he provided me with lots of vital info about the game and the server, promoted the donation website that I was planning to use to get that special horse. When he was leaving he just said “have fun guys and help each other”. Nice touch, maybe I'm old school. Was playing for 12 hours uninterrupted , got some money from monsters, bought some armor, reagents just the usual stuff was having a blast with the game after playing it about 13 years ago the last time. I met another newbie in the dungeon straggling and I remembered how I got my special weapons (for free J) I gave him some ID gear I collected in the dungeon. I noticed that he was wearing just regular leather armor and I decided to go and buy him/her some special gear (bought it from NPC for 5k almost complete set) plus some reagents and weapons I got for free from other gamers. Came to graveyard to the entrance where the message told me that my character wasn`t able to enter the dungeon( I thought it was supposed to be 32 hours for new players that nobody can touch us) anyway I decided to hang around the entrance thinking the dude would eventually come out and reenter. Than I noticed Ramsay character approaching me (at that time I knew my character wasn’t “young” anymore) so I pulled his bar to make sure he wasn’t “red”. He was fully blue! And I how surprised I was when he attacked me. Of course I died, ran to the cross to resurrect and ran back to get my stuff. Of course he took everything (I was upset for that newbie I promised him/her to bring some better gear and now it was all gone ). Well Ramsay didn`t get enough, when I got back to my body he killed me again so I ran to the bank to get my original katana to get some revenge. Got really surprised after attacking him I was the criminal now(of course I didn`t manage to kill him J). From that point he started following me and killing me right after I resurrected. After death# 25 I logged out of the game and hit “uninstall”. But I must say I was having lots of fun for 12 hrs. Thank you.
sorry for the grammar I`m ESL

Hey again ;)

There must have been something additional to this story, that's not how game mechanics work here. You gotta pick yourself up and dust off man. If you quit over getting Rez killed this probably isn't the game for you, sadly.

All the 'he jumped 10 tiles!' comments : TELEPORT.


Hi , I just wanted share my experience with you guys about this character named ramsay. Yesterday came across video on youtube about your server that got me excited. Didn`t take me long to download and install the client. Was pretty pleased with everything , got some free stuff (swords and ID wand) from players in front of the bank, even met some experienced player in newbie dungeon where I was given silver axe as a gift that helped a lot against undead J plus he provided me with lots of vital info about the game and the server, promoted the donation website that I was planning to use to get that special horse. When he was leaving he just said “have fun guys and help each other”. Nice touch, maybe I'm old school. Was playing for 12 hours uninterrupted , got some money from monsters, bought some armor, reagents just the usual stuff was having a blast with the game after playing it about 13 years ago the last time. I met another newbie in the dungeon straggling and I remembered how I got my special weapons (for free J) I gave him some ID gear I collected in the dungeon. I noticed that he was wearing just regular leather armor and I decided to go and buy him/her some special gear (bought it from NPC for 5k almost complete set) plus some reagents and weapons I got for free from other gamers. Came to graveyard to the entrance where the message told me that my character wasn`t able to enter the dungeon( I thought it was supposed to be 32 hours for new players that nobody can touch us) anyway I decided to hang around the entrance thinking the dude would eventually come out and reenter. Than I noticed Ramsay character approaching me (at that time I knew my character wasn’t “young” anymore) so I pulled his bar to make sure he wasn’t “red”. He was fully blue! And I how surprised I was when he attacked me. Of course I died, ran to the cross to resurrect and ran back to get my stuff. Of course he took everything (I was upset for that newbie I promised him/her to bring some better gear and now it was all gone ). Well Ramsay didn`t get enough, when I got back to my body he killed me again so I ran to the bank to get my original katana to get some revenge. Got really surprised after attacking him I was the criminal now(of course I didn`t manage to kill him J). From that point he started following me and killing me right after I resurrected. After death# 25 I logged out of the game and hit “uninstall”. But I must say I was having lots of fun for 12 hrs. Thank you.
sorry for the grammar I`m ESL

Dont let 1 moron run you off the majority of this community is pretty cool thou it is UO he wont be the last moron you meet. Dust ya self off find a guild and res kill the guy abit yourself by sounds of it his not a major threat and probly wont be around long anyway.

Karl Sagan

Dont let 1 moron run you off the majority of this community is pretty cool thou it is UO he wont be the last moron you meet. Dust ya self off find a guild and res kill the guy abit yourself by sounds of it his not a major threat and probly wont be around long anyway.

This exactly. UO is conflict and player driven consequences.

Without bad guys to be hated/feared, enemies to be made and fought, friends to help, this would be one boring ass game.


If you learn that there is potentially a previously unknown pedophile working in the area at a local school, do you let the local media know so they can publish a bulletin in their paper for everyone to see, or do you let the relevant authorities know, so it can be investigated in covert style with a much greater chance of catching the culprit? The media also has a track record of getting things wrong or twisting the truth for extra publicity.

Okay, that is a bad example at best *um*, but why do folks have to plaster the forums with stuff like this since it obviously gets out to the culprit and he/she can go under cover, turning ninja and possibly avoided for longer? The only time it becomes remotely acceptable is if you can get a video recording of the incident, proving without a shadow of a doubt that the individual is actually speed hacking. This boils down to name and shame mentality which is warranted to a degree but all this thread has probably done is push the culprit *if he is a culprit* into a state of paranoia and possibly more careful next time.

Yeah bow to me for I am all knowing *farts*

I think in this instance it's better to let more people know so that there's a greater chance of him being caught on video. There are only a handful of mods and they must get tonnes of reports like this, so it's mainly up to the community to find evidence of misconduct. Sure the guy can find out that people are onto him and stop doing it, but in that case we've won anyhow.


New Member
I know guys, it just upsets me that he got all heroic over the newbie, and even as a PK or grey you can still RP. That is what UO is supposed to be.
I`ll see you in the game.

Garet Jax

Just because he was not using it while a GM was observing him doesn't mean he was never using it. With your mentality you are almost conceding that there are no speed hacks on the server. I could not care a less about dying, it's part of the game. Unfortunately in this instance due to my lack of video evidence there is not much more to say.

I never said once he was not using a speedhack, but it still stands that majority here always cry speed hack, when it's just not the case.
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