Quitting UO?


Let me start by saying, I do not want anyone quitting OUF. This is A great server. If you need help please contact a companion or myself on here or discord (Grimaspects) and we can offer you help. UO can get tough and frustrating at times but if you sitck it out things get better.

I do understand sometimes life gets in the way and people have to quit. It happens. When you do your house will fall and the players who are lucky enough to be there will get all your stuff. (usually seasoned vets)

With that being said, rather than letting someone with millions in the bank take all your things and throw into a chest never to see the light of day again, I offer the chance for you to put your unused or unwanted items to good use to. I will accept any donations and will sell off items that cannot be used, give houses and donate usable items to new players and Companion Hall (Minus a small fee for the legwork) so all your things will go to people who will treasure your donated items. Better than going to people who really don't need it, I think.

I hope i don't offend anyone by appealing to people who no longer can spend time on UO. Like i said I don't want anyone to to quit. I support UOF and want to see it grow but if you cant continue or just decided not to continue, Please message me on here or Discord (Grimaspectz) and I promise to make sure your stuff is put to good use. Thank you and STAY STRONG!


If my post is against forum rules i will be happy to remove it to abide by forum condidtions


Are you not a companion?

Apply! You'll do more good going through the proper channels I feel like. Otherwise ppl just gonna look at you like that guy just wants free stuff.


my intentions are good. yes, i would love to get a couple rares out of it but I enjoy helping new players where I can.


Grim is a good guy and I hope he doesn't get in trouble for this. I feel partly responsible because we're buddies and he knows I inherited a house full of stuff from a quitting player, which probably influenced his thinking here.

The truth is that that windfall completely changed the game for me. I'm not wealthy by any means, but I no longer have three characters sharing one ethy, and when I die and lose a pack full of regs, pots, bandies and gear it doesn't really hold me back like it did before. It gave me some breathing room and the ability to get more out of the game, which caused me to become more invested in it because everything didn't feel like such a losing battle all the time.

So I can understand why he wants this. He's not greedy, he just wants to get a leg up so the game is more playable.

It's probably not good form to ask, though.


Thank you and yes, @Xiulan. Your story inspired me to try to help new players with that which was given up by those who no longer wish to play. So, I decided to accept the roll of taking that which people no longer want or need and giving it to those who do. I promise to treat this roll with the utmost respect and sensitivity. I appreciate all your input and hope that I am able to guide new players in a good direction as Xulian and I were lucky enough to be guided and encouraged to have a good experience! Any questions or concerns please don't hesitate to message me directly.


Staff member
Donate to the companion hall if anything, a lot of time was put into that hall for this exact reason.


I know I have donated to the hall more than a hand full of times. Storm Crow and myself have become good buddies because of it :). I'm not that old of a player either...

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And shane is right. If it can be donated to the hall Please donate them direct, other things like houses that will need to be transferred I will be happy to pass them along


otherwise I would just wait for the house to collapse (being part of the IDOC crew) and just keep everything. but I'm not doing that. I'm trying to become a companion


i used to donate to the companion hall, but everytime i do, i see non-young's come in and clean out the chests. Now I just help them out if i see them out-and-about