Question about 'The Butler'


I'm thinking about buying a Butler from the dono vendor and was wondering if the butler can carry magic leather armor, or just crafted? How about studded or smithy crafted armor?

the video is a little dated, so I don't know if the Butler has recieved any updates. here's the video in case anyone was interested.
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I'm thinking about buying a Butler from the dono vendor and was wondering if the butler can carry magic leather armor, or just crafted? How about studded or smithy crafted armor?

the video is a little dated, so I don't know if the Butler has recieved any updates. here's the video in case anyone was interested.
Afaik, the butler holds only crafted armor, 5000 of each regs, 5000 or each pot, 5000 bandies/bags.
It also hold Orange Petals, but I haven't put any on it, so i dont know the max of it. The butler will hold 50 of each piece of armor, ie Tunic, Legs, and it will auto equip the armor, if you wish :p

Edit- Leather armor is all it holds.


Just bought it guys! (delayed I know!).

I've been able to figure out how to stock everything but pots. What's the deal with pots, anyone know?

edit: never mind! looks like the potions needed to be in a keg, and in a container.
thanks @JoeB !
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