Question about poisoning macro


New Member
I was reading somewhere.. that a guy had made a SINGLE hot key with Razor that would poison his weapon during combat.. Meaning one key will use the poisoning skill.. select the type of poison that he set up.. and then apply it to his weapon..

I know how to make the hot key for the skill itself.. but how is the rest possible. He said something about select target type but i cant remember


Make a new macro, lets call it "poison", click record.

Click poisoning skill, click on the poison potion, click on the weapon you want to poison.

Click stop.

Where it has the first absolute target in the macro, right click on it and change to target by type.

Set up a hotkey for your macro.

Make sure you have poison potions in your pack and the weapon you first clicked on as the one you are using (you can right click on the bottom absolute target in the macro and retarget if you change weapons)

Razor plays up when it comes to target by type, if you find the macro getting stuck when its meant to click on the poison potion, try restarting your client.