Q) Why do I still play UO? A) PKs

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Ledz Epplin

O Lordy. Either make a Trammel or deal with it as is. My primary play is blue provo/mage and get killed two or three times a day because he sucks against 3 or 4 reds right?

So I take the hit, replace my 2k regs I lost and go back out and make the 5k in gold and regs I lost in about 5 minutes.

WFT is the big deal?

This is what the game is about.

@Shane @Adam don't change a thing or if you must, make a ability for blues to group together to hunt reds in some sort of chaos/order faction system, that could be in addition to the current faction system, like you could be in minax and chaos or order and COM etc... but don't change the game in a major way please.

I die daily multiple times, it's that risk which makes this game fun. If you reduce or eliminate that risk and lose the reds that do play, you reduce the value of this game. If I wanted to pvm with no risk of losing anything, I would be playing Archage again. It gets boring quick, trust me. It's the thrill of crawling through a dungeon, looking out for reds with my hand on the recall trigger, knowing the zerg could come at any moment and hoping I kill my prey quick enough to collect and move out, that makes the game fun.
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hi im a blue player and i shed tears every time i get PKed.

what a bad thread and what an amount of really bad suggestions.


The same old conversation from when I first started here. There is obviously an issue but the solution is not simple, people cry about reds murdering them but reds also cry because they fear their game-style will change. It doesn't matter what implementation goes live, someone will be throwing a rattle out of their crib in protest. The truth however, is a little more complicated than a few words on a forum. It has already been stated that there have been numerous complaints going in to staff regarding zerg action and unfortunately, people WILL leave. So there has to be some form of change that pulls things back in line *obvious*. For those who are against ANY change whatsoever, you can quite simply leave to another game or do something else with your life, this also applies to the staff here BUT with much more to lose. So instead of criticism, perhaps join in and provide some alternatives. If not, expect changes without your approval, without giving any feedback you will just have yourself to blame for the very least, not trying hard enough to get your ideas across, If changes happen you do not approve of, then another clash happens.

UO is a very old game now, as time goes on there will be less and less incentive to play. The key is to provide an experience which resembles the earlier days of UO but also cater for players who are not used to its vicious game-play and quite simply, consistently getting murdered will deter some of those players away. I have advertised UO and this shard through other games I have been playing since my extended break, I have no idea how many people have joined if any, but the interest gained while telling people was in all honestly, extremely positive. However, those type of players are people who have not really experienced open-world player v player to UO's level. The majority of newer generation of MMO players are very delicate, fragile people who are protected by a consensual way of gaming *who also have very deep pockets and will not think twice about spending $40+ on a vanity item*, that is the area that needs to be lifted gradually to allow them the time to mature into the old ways of gaming while providing life blood to the server and potentially funds.

Karl Sagan

The same old conversation from when I first started here. There is obviously an issue but the solution is not simple, people cry about reds murdering them but reds also cry because they fear their game-style will change. It doesn't matter what implementation goes live, someone will be throwing a rattle out of their crib in protest. The truth however, is a little more complicated than a few words on a forum. It has already been stated that there have been numerous complaints going in to staff regarding zerg action and unfortunately, people WILL leave. So there has to be some form of change that pulls things back in line *obvious*. For those who are against ANY change whatsoever, you can quite simply leave to another game or do something else with your life, this also applies to the staff here BUT with much more to lose. So instead of criticism, perhaps join in and provide some alternatives. If not, expect changes without your approval, without giving any feedback you will just have yourself to blame for the very least, not trying hard enough to get your ideas across, If changes happen you do not approve of, then another clash happens.

UO is a very old game now, as time goes on there will be less and less incentive to play. The key is to provide an experience which resembles the earlier days of UO but also cater for players who are not used to its vicious game-play and quite simply, consistently getting murdered will deter some of those players away. I have advertised UO and this shard through other games I have been playing since my extended break, I have no idea how many people have joined if any, but the interest gained while telling people was in all honestly, extremely positive. However, those type of players are people who have not really experienced open-world player v player to UO's level. The majority of newer generation of MMO players are very delicate, fragile people who are protected by a consensual way of gaming *who also have very deep pockets and will not think twice about spending $40+ on a vanity item*, that is the area that needs to be lifted gradually to allow them the time to mature into the old ways of gaming while providing life blood to the server and potentially funds.

It's the same conversation from when you started because the 'conversation' revolves around people crying about dying to reds. As long as there are reds there will be dead blues, and as long as there are dead blues there will be posts about how the server is going to suffer.

The server population has never been higher, factions are off the chain, and players are flocking to UOF.

Player. Driven. Solutions.

Karl Sagan

Here is a little idea that might help and applies only to dungeons *not champ spawns, open areas such as housing areas and towns* people who are tagged as a murderer will have their stats reduced while hunting in dungeons. For example : a 5-10% reduction in stats. This effect only applies when in dungeons and also provides a risk vs reward factor. That's about all I can think of which would not punish everyone that badly. *Also, disallow tracking on any red character*

That would just result in larger zergs using a blue tracker :/


I used to be an advocate for perma-stat, but really it would probably just make things worse. PKs would probably just roll in bigger packs to reduce the risk of losing their head, and it would really only punish the PK's who are doing it "right" and roll solo or in small groups.

I have to assume famaras response is a joke. Not even going to touch the blue/red and pet killing statements, as that's the only thing he ever tries to do. But the IP thing and forcing players to only join one guild per IP is about as laughable as a suggestion can get. IP restrictions don't work, that shit causes problems for VPN users. Plus, way to try to destroy UO. Roleplayers both hardcore and casual, factioners, really just any UO player would suffer from that. Not everyone forces their guild members to quit all other guilds they are a part of like the paranoid famara does lol. For example, half of T^C has players in other guilds. I wouldn't dare force my guildmates to do anything they don't want to do.

The only way I can think of combating ganking without crippling the solo/small group players is to induce a sort of "attrition" by incurring instant stat loss on players who are ganking. The more players attacking a single target, the larger the reduction of their effectiveness.

It's a suggestion that has been thoroughly shat on, but what else can you do without crippling the little guys too?

i think you guys should listen to the people who actually play this games ideas! instead of people like bromista who don't.

I play a lot. i seen bromista once in the past month, and killed both his chars, and both his tamers pets.

so now that is all i do is kill pets?


Ok what if the answer really is trammel?

Ok settle down and read first.

So the problem that we are worried about is population. Large groups is population so we don't want to nerf them into oblivion. Individual farmers are population and we want them to not dread every farming session and quit either. So what if we made the entire dungeon of despise trammel rule set but in true risk vs reward style nerf the crap out if the reward. Champ drops 1 scroll. Gold is dropped to 25%. Ss drop reduced.

This would give players trying to get on their feet a safe place to grind out enough wealth that they will be invested in the server and stay but will most likely move on to other dungeons for the greater rewards once they are adequately supplied.

This should end the blues quiting and have minimal impact on Reds as most Blues would still opt to farm the more lucrative areas.

The argument for more pk punishment would now be responded to by "go farm trammy despise".

In the end both sides will complain about this suggestion because it does nothing for 95% of the map and it does give a spot where you can't pk. So if everyone is upset it must be perfect.
They do play well, and behave well for sure.

They do? Like when they surround and harass a female member of staff and spam [e spits with "*!" "*****!" "Whore!" ?

My favorite eqms line so far i've seen is "You Ni**ers' fucked with the wrong white boys!".

It's too bad they can't do it with a little more class. What I think you need to consider more than anything, is not letting this server community turn into a poisonous, toxic cesspool like uoforever did.

That being said, I'm enjoying the red zerg actually, and gluttony make me [e giggle. If any blue groups out there are interested in counter zerging, PM me for my skype, I can bring a number of seasoned warriors to the field. We can have alot of fun with this.. Massive Blue vs Red battles the likes of which UOF has never seen.


They do? Like when they surround and harass a female member of staff and spam [e spits with "*!" "*****!" "Whore!" ?

My favorite eqms line so far i've seen is "You Ni**ers' fucked with the wrong white boys!".

It's too bad they can't do it with a little more class. What I think you need to consider more than anything, is not letting this server community turn into a poisonous, toxic cesspool like uoforever did.

That being said, I'm enjoying the red zerg actually, and gluttony make me [e giggle. If any blue groups out there are interested in counter zerging, PM me for my skype, I can bring a number of seasoned warriors to the field. We can have alot of fun with this.. Massive Blue vs Red battles the likes of which UOF has never seen.

the problem with counter zerg is that the larger blue groups like rekt/zeal + alliance, have most of their alts in eqms. so instead of trying to fight them, they join emqs!

I am a blue trammy farmer , everyone knows that i am almost always on a blue tamer or another blue character, there is no denying that.

i find absolutely no issue with eqms.

i think they are good for the server. people want shit handed to them for free. they would cry wether there is 30 eqms or 10 eqms or if they died to 2 reds. with eqms i can stil make a million gold in a day if i rlly want to and try to.

the fights have been fun! and it has been bringing me into the whole pvp scene more. and i enjoy it. no reds= dead server.


Tard the Paladin

Here's a point I've made a few times:

Stat Loss:

Get rid of auto-buyback of heads. Leave it up to the person with the head to decide if the red gets statted or not. You can't take reds out of the mix if they keep buying their heads back. No need for perma-stat.

As a pk that has several red characters I loathe the fact that wanna-be PK's can get away with having only one red character. If you want to be a PK then you need to devote more than one character slot. The cost of entry should be higher.

Sometimes the simple and obvious solution is the most effective. This is one of those instances IMO.


If you want to control the group Zergs then here's the feasible way to implement it. Do something like faction combat where only factioners can heal each other. Now apply this to reds. Only reds in party can heal each other.

There are a lot of extreme positions going on in this thread. You've got the typical HI, Trin, TBA trammy types who want to see a boring ass Trammel that would destroy the shard. On the other side you've got the no-talent zergs, EQMS, who want the opposite which is a Trammel for PKs. Both extremes share one thing in common - they want a risk free environment for themselves. There is a way to ensure that neither side gets what they want which I feel is the proper solution.
I've only read Shane's posts under this thread tbh. The rest is just a ramble on of the same shet over and over.

If a person has a red or multiple, they have death/redness running threw there veins. So statloss/skillloss won't fix a single thing. Why? What would prevent a person from going down the list in there account of red stun mages?

Possibly think of this:
The only way a red can get rezzed is at some type of shrine/healer that requires "X ammount" of gold/etc.... (Would decrease the solo red dexxer running threw shame/despise/etc... with a dp'ed weapon, there broke as a joke anyhow so they might rethink there plan on that)
If you kill a red, you get some type of token(s) to spend at a vendor. (Would increase the anti red guilds to group)



TL/DR: Group up and fight us, UO is meant to be a game where you can work together and accomplish whatever you want, we do.
That is an idealistic solution however it leaves out the fact that people that are hunting don't want to stop earning to chase around a group and be using resources instead of gaining them.

No one ever mentions that. The reason the 'blue farming Trammies' don't all group up is that that would stop their income by PvPing instead of PvM... Some people just don't want to PvP, period.

And it's their prerogative to do that but on the other hand they shouldn't complain about it if they're not willing to do something about it either.


I really dont see the issue is lots of ways you can combat pks or zergs.

1. poistion yourself so u can see them before they can LOS you
2. put a hidden/naked guy at a entrance/choke point so u can see them coming way before they are on screen
3. stop farming afk pay attention and recall quicker when u see red names
4. restock your 20 of each regs and try again (when u die u lose what ? a few hundred gp worth of shit)

Man the fuck up

Karl Sagan

That is an idealistic solution however it leaves out the fact that people that are hunting don't want to stop earning to chase around a group and be using resources instead of gaining them.

No one ever mentions that. The reason the 'blue farming Trammies' don't all group up is that that would stop their income by PvPing instead of PvM... Some people just don't want to PvP, period.

And it's their prerogative to do that but on the other hand they shouldn't complain about it if they're not willing to do something about it either.

Surely those blue pvmers could join a guild with pvpers in it though. Risk free farming is not a good thing, and that's what it seems like a lot of people want.

I think in UO you should be prepared to fight for what you are after or risk losing it. Too many people wanting things handed to them.

If people want safe income with no risk of death, they should make a tailor.

Karl Sagan

I really dont see the issue is lots of ways you can combat pks or zergs.

1. poistion yourself so u can see them before they can LOS you
2. put a hidden/naked guy at a entrance/choke point so u can see them coming way before they are on screen
3. stop farming afk pay attention and recall quicker when u see red names
4. restock your 20 of each regs and try again (when u die u lose what ? a few hundred gp worth of shit)

Man the fuck up

The problem is all of those 'solutions' require effort sir. How am I going to solo paragon Balrons without any backup if I also have to watch out for reds?!?! Simply impossible, clearly we need perma stat/account deletion.


Truth be told, the title of this thread is very accurate. Those who know me well, know I'm just not capable of being a PK, but let's face it... if it weren't for the sudden exhileration of reds showing up and either the fight, or usually the chase, that follows... thats what really makes UO something we cannot let go of almost two decades later now.
That said, if PKs murder you every time, there no more excitement. If theres no chance of escape, of survival, people will give up. The PKs think they want it so people can't escape, but do they really want an empty shard?
I'm all for PKs being around, just not around relentlessly.
Why do I keep playing UO? Its not the demons. Its not the lizardmen. Its not the mining. No real challenge there. It is the PKs. No question.


Karl, two things...
1) no fun in that.. if recall macro was all you do then it puts playing against PK into the mining category, boring as hell.
2) either you have nerves of steel and no natural fight or flight reflex in order that your recall macro is so damned foolproof, or you are a PK and trying to make it sound like getting PK'd is a choice the victim makes.. aka its the victims fault.
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