PvE Point System


The idea that I believe that would really help the server grow would be to implement a nice points system. When you are killing monsters you can acquire points. Depending of the monster would equal the point value. (Weak monster = lower points or strong monster = higher points) You can exchange those points for prizes. Example (taming SS, PS for spider food and so on) You don’t have to contest others in the point ranking, so also people who don’t play as often have sometimes a nice drop to motivate them to stay on server. For people who have been unlucky with drops, there is another reason to hunt monsters and get nice prizes! With this system, more people will be hunting in dungeons, making them full again and PvP characters can enjoy so much more! It’s a win for both sides (PvM and PvP)


I agree with Girana it would be really easy to abuse. That doesn't mean it's a bad idea it just means it needs more defined rules and rewards. I question whether or not giving power scrolls would be the right reward. Rewards like special titles or title hues would be good.. and character bound items so people didn't just farm and try to sell the rewards. I like the idea, it has potential.


even if will be implement i hope not for taming ss or spider food we already have enought boss to kill for theese items. at least rewards can be titles or things like that.