Provo stealth nerf?


Sorry if I seem like I'm on crack... but did provo just get a bit of a stealth nerf?
*NEVER* have had a problem provo'ing ancient shadow wyrms before, but NOW it says I have no chance.
fyi. At GM, and have been for months. And have ALWAYS been able to up until 3 minutes ago.

Edit: Appears to be more that they made it so Abyssmal Horrors can't be provo'd upon by the wyrms.

The wyrms etc can still be provo'd upon, and to other things, but I can only speak right now that the horrors can no longer be provo'd upon
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Wew, glad you guys found out before I have that a go today! I noticed earlier this morning paragons seemed harder to Provo... May have just been bad luck on my part?

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Dwyane Wade

You tried both targetting it first and second? I know I was able to voke em like a week ago. Would suck if you couldn't anymore :/


Yes, Dwayne, as I posted, they can no longer be provoked UPON.
And the stealth nerf occured sometime between my posting, and 8-10 hrs previous.

Should add in that this isn't Abyssmal Horror specific, it applies to all 3 of the "doom mobs"
Impaler/Fleshrenderer/Abyssmal Horror


There's definitely been tweaking, I've been having extreme waves of bad 'luck' lately but it'll be for a period of time only (hour - maybe over a day?)


I can only speak for my initial post regarding the Hythloth mobs "Abyssmal Horror, Fleshrenderer, Impaler".

After asking the Devs, they explained that they were never meant to be able to be provoked upon. So they "fixed" that, the day I made this thread.

As for the waves of "bad luck' that might just be speculation.

Far as I know, just the above "fix" was done.