Provo 120 questions


I now have 120 Provo. I went to the ice dungeon spot and the arch ice fiends still can't be provoked. I thought that was the new 120 provo area?

If anyone wouldn't mine sharing where are the 120 provo spots at? Do I need a slayer instrument to use as well?

Also if you wouldn't mine sharing some highlevel provo areas to go farm.

thanks for the help!


I use non-exc instruments bought from NPCs and never fail...ever. Only time you fail at 120 is by using an opposing slayer group (reduces success %) against high end paragons like wyrms and balrons.

Ice 3 is probably best left unchanged. If you could provo those fiends it would just be too easy to farm gold there even with a chance to fail at 120.

As far as I know the only changes regarding what can and cannot be provo'd at 120 was ancient shadow wyrms and abyssal horrors. You used to not be able to provoke them but now you can 100% at 120.


hmm thanks for the very helpful response. The problem with those shadow wyrms and abyssla horrors is they solo spawn right?


Mostly, with a couple exceptions. Used to be that some RDAs had multiples of each, not sure about now since the changes to RDAs.

Even if there aren't other critters of that strength nearby you can still drive the baddies around mowing everything on the dungeon level down with them lol.