Can you stack spell books and rune books over a pouch and make thieves unable to get their hands in there? Or is my effort wasted?
Ya, the trapped pouches will break para...they even sell a pouch here with multiple charges.Speaking of trapped pouches. Do all the vets use those in pvp? I think I read somewhere that you can use a trapped pouch to counter being paralyzed. Oh, and paralyze....
I should probably make another thread, but I'm pretty sure paralyze isn't working for me. I been hitting mobs and getting that 'you deliver a paralyzing blow' only to be smacked by a mob.......I thought you were paralyzed?!
And yes, I understand that the timing may not be very long. I get the para message and have gotten instantaneously hit by mobs. I thought it was happening a while ago, but wanted to be certain since I only noticed it with earth else