Promoting healthy and fun PvP

You can macro off 3 counts a day. It's really not that hard to have 0 counts. I have 11 finished characters on my accounts, one is red, the rest all have 0 murders.

So if these out of control blue PKs can easily skirt the system anyways as you suggest, why even change the rule? If anything make 1 count go red if we are headed down this path.

The intent is obvious, provide greater advantage to reds raiding champs and rdas. (Who are already flagged anyways from attacking and therefore can't recall.)

I trust in the wisdom of the shard overlords to see the true intentions of eqms false prophets.


Why are you worried Jack? Are you blue PKing lots of people? Shame on you.

The intent is obvious, provide greater advantage to reds raiding champs and rdas.

You cant recall out of champs or rdas as it is now.
Why are you worried Jack? Are you blue PKing lots of people? Shame on you.

I am often forced to slay degenerate trash talking swine hiding behind the protection of that tyrannous bastard Lord British.
Typical day for me:

You cant recall out of champs or rdas as it is now.

They may have changed a few of the RDAs, but all the champs have numerous areas to flee and recall from.


If you want to kill people outside of the noto system, be prepared to have some consequence. Thankfully Lord British upholds the right for blues to have freedom of speech.

Madd Dogg

I would like to see any aggressor not being able to go through a gate or recall but the any red/person with count not being able to recall once you are attacked doesn't sound like a good idea. Whether your are blue or red if you see a group of 5+ coming at you and you know it is a losing cause why cant you remove yourself from it if you had no intentions of fighting that battle in the first place.


I would like to see any aggressor not being able to go through a gate or recall but the any red/person with count not being able to recall once you are attacked doesn't sound like a good idea. Whether your are blue or red if you see a group of 5+ coming at you and you know it is a losing cause why cant you remove yourself from it if you had no intentions of fighting that battle in the first place.

Why did you attack a blue who had no intention of being killed by another blue to get your murder counts?

Madd Dogg

Why did you attack a blue who had no intention of being killed by another blue to get your murder counts?

I understand what you are saying but if I have a group of 10 and there is 1-2 reds that we run into, why should they have to fight against that if they don't want to? If they stick around to fight and win, great they are good pvpers but 90% of people would die and why should they have to just die if they never wanted to fight that fight anyway. You could always try to bait them into fighting with you, if they fight back then remove their ability to recall/gate. Then bring in a bigger group to finish to job if that's what you want.


I understand what you are saying but if I have a group of 10 and there is 1-2 reds that we run into, why should they have to fight against that if they don't want to? If they stick around to fight and win, great they are good pvpers but 90% of people would die and why should they have to just die if they never wanted to fight that fight anyway. You could always try to bait them into fighting with you, if they fight back then remove their ability to recall/gate. Then bring in a bigger group to finish to job if that's what you want.

Sometimes in UO, you are forced to fight battles you didnt expect/dont want to -- keep in mind, they would be able to get gated out by someone else -- just not sit there and recall.

If these 2 reds wanted to avoid that scenario, they should have thought twice about killing innocent players.
So if these out of control blue PKs can easily skirt the system anyways as you suggest, why even change the rule? If anything make 1 count go red if we are headed down this path.

I simply think there should be consequences for nefarious acts. Right now there are none. Sure reds can't recall, but 90% of the time they are criminal from attacking blues and can't recall anyway.

Madd Dogg

Sometimes in UO, you are forced to fight battles you didnt expect/dont want to -- keep in mind, they would be able to get gated out by someone else -- just not sit there and recall.

If these 2 reds wanted to avoid that scenario, they should have thought twice about killing innocent players.

This is where our ideas are slightly different then..

If you attack someone whether you are blue/red/orange you should not be allowed to go through any gate either. Most large groups will have a bunch of rune books marked with every escape point anyway so by allowing them to still go through gates again you would be aiding larger groups and hurting the people who prefer solo/small group play.

I actually would say ok to the no recall thing if you are flagged if any aggressor would not be allowed to go through gates until their crim timer is over


heaven forbid someone who is organized enough to have many runes marked gets some sort of advantage over those who are unprepared.
I simply think there should be consequences for nefarious acts.
There are. You go criminal, can be attacked by anyone and cannot recall or gate. You can only do this 4 times before turning red. Those are consequences, whether you think they are heavy handed enough or not.

Right now there are none. Sure reds can't recall, but 90% of the time they are criminal from attacking blues and can't recall anyway.

Exactly, which is why eqms wants to limit recalling of their prey as well. You just basically said that during a non-consensual PvP encounter in which a red attacks a blue, the blue should have the same limitations as the red regarding recalling and escaping if said blue happened to have 1 count from potentially days before the event.

[e no.


Lol @ trying to make things safer for blue PKs and reds. If you want to kill blues, be prepared for actual consequences. Right now there is ZERO deterrent from killing blues as a blue and just macroing off your counts/staying at 4.

Madd Dogg

Sometimes in UO, you are forced to fight battles you didnt expect/dont want to -- keep in mind, they would be able to get gated out by someone else -- just not sit there and recall.

If these 2 reds wanted to avoid that scenario, they should have thought twice about killing innocent players.

heaven forbid someone who is organized enough to have many runes marked gets some sort of advantage over those who are unprepared.

So on one side its you have to fight battles you don't want to but on the other side its the group that's more organized can get out whenever they want and avoid the fights they don't want?


Yes, you have to DEAL with the battles you dont want to sometimes -- whether you deal with it by fighting or getting a gate out. You shouldnt be able to recall out of any situation you find yourself in.
The server is continually bleeding its PvMers/Trammies right now, who even @Shane admits are the life blood of the server.
Champs have never been so quiet (Cause most pve groups already can't defend them). Dungeons are often empty. Hell even the crafters are slowly disappearing. And these guys want to make it even harder on them?

We don't need more rule changes to cater to a vocal minority whom only recently fled to this server from its failing counterpart. Who are now trying to implement every rule they're comfortable with and which happen to greatly benefit their own personal play style. (Probably why said counterpart failed).

I trust in overlords @Shane and @Adam to do the right thing. (Which in this case is nothing).