Power Scrolls Explained


Edit: The first skill that goes above GM (100.0) will actually raise your skill cap from 700 to the level that that first skill is at(up to 720). Only this skill can go above GM without requiring points from the original 700 skill point pool. This only occurs for that first skill, subsequent skills do not raise the skill cap further.

I was mostly providing clarification on this statement. because it doesn't matter what skill you raise first you could say, use 105 and 110 taming then use 105-120 lore and the 115 and 120 lore would each raise your skill cap.

Also the first 120 pscroll you use will raise your skill cap to 720, but YOU CAN ONLY USE THOSE 20 POINTS TO GO FROM 100->120 IN THAT SKILL. Or so I've been told.

this is the second part I was correcting.

hope that all makes sense.