Player Vendor Suggestion


One quality of life change that would be greatly appreciated (at least by me anyway) would be an easily accessible log of the transactions that occur on your player run vendor. I think that would make managing your vendor(s) much easier and therefore enjoyable. Certainly such a thing would not be a necessity but I think it could be nice nonetheless.


Maybe even have the option to get a little message on the bottom left corner of your screen that tells you when you sold something on one of your vendors.


Another player vendor change that could be kind of nice would be a gump that tells you how many of x item or y item you have on your vendor.


Potentially way over the top, but plausible simply because they added the "My-UOF" feature. But maybe the gump couldn't be added in game but rather you can track your "registered" vendors through the website? Could help you keep an eye on the details. Might be as simply as having the database details for the 'registered' vendor displayed online.

This could go so far as to searching for sold goods by a search function, thus creating a real world auction. Because if you searched and found that Vendor "ABC" is selling a Blaze Spellbook or something for X-Gold amount, then you could see that the vendor is located at "coordinates" and go there. It essentially causes oddly placed vendors to still get exposure. But at the same time not taking away from the lucky players who placed their vendor houses in those great spots, because people will still go there.

Maybe too far fetched but still cool to consider.


Another thing I think that would be nice for vendors would be the ability to drop a check on your vendor instead of only being able to drop gold. Obviously that wouldn't be a huge quality of life change but it still would be nice I think.